Benefits Of Fruit Juice For Children

Fruit Juice Benefits for Children: Fruits and vegetables are considered very important not only for adults but also for the health of children. The nutrients in fruits and vegetables help in enhancing the physical and mental development of children. Giving vegetables to children is started after 3 years, but the habit of eating fruits is given to them at an early age. But you should know from what age you should start giving fruit juice (Health Benefits of Fruit Juice) to small children.

Fruit juice is very important for the health of children, but it is very important to know what are its benefits and at what age fruit juice should be given to children. In this article, we are going to tell you at what age fruit juice should be given to children and what are the benefits of fruit juice for children.

When Should You Give Your Child Fruit Juice?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), children under the age of 12 months i.e. one year should not be given fruit juice because it does not provide any benefit to them. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, natural sugar is found in fruit juices because natural sugar is found in fruits. If fruit juice is given to children below 12 months of age, it does not have any effect on their body.

It is considered best to give fruit juice to children after 1 year of age. Giving a certain amount of fruit juice to children after 1 year helps in improving their physical and mental development. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, giving 60 to 120 ml of fruit juice daily to children after 1 year is good for health.

Which juice is best for children?

After 1 year, children can be given carrot, beetroot, apple, carrot, orange and grape juice. Vitamin C and fiber are found in the juice of these fruits which helps in strengthening the immune system of children.

Health Benefits of Fruit Juice

1. Consuming fruit juice helps in strengthening immunity. Having strong immunity protects the body from bacteria and infections and provides relief from diseases.

2. Vitamin C is found in fruit juice, which helps in strengthening the digestion process.

3. Consuming fruit juice helps in providing energy to the body and problems like fatigue can be avoided.

4. A good amount of antioxidants are also found in the juice, which helps in reducing inflammation in the body.

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