Benefits of Eating Ice Cream for Health

It turns out that eating ice cream can have health benefits, from increasing energy to improving mood. These are the facts! Of course, ice cream is a favorite food for many people, not only children but also adults. Ice cream has a cold sensation, soft texture, and sweet taste, so it is suitable for consumption when the weather is hot.

However, ice cream has always been considered a major cause of coughs and colds. In fact, this has not been scientifically proven and it turns out that there are many benefits of ice cream that are good for the body. Are you curious about the benefits? Come on, find out more through the following review.

1. Additional Energy

Apart from being refreshing, it turns out that ice cream can also help increase energy because it contains calories.

This is in line with the opinion of doctors said that this cold food is a source of energy that is easy to digest.

So, eating ice cream could be the right choice if you are tired from doing activities all day and need a quick boost of energy.

2. Help meet nutritional needs

Even though it is often considered a food that can only provide pleasure, in fact some ice cream has quite complete nutritional content.

“There are several ice creams that contain vitamins, calcium and protein, so they can help meet nutritional needs.

Of course, you have to be selective and read carefully the composition and nutritional value of the ice cream. That way, you can find out whether the ice cream has benefits for your body or not.

3. Help Improve Mood

Eating something sweet and cold can really make your mood cheerful again. So actually, how can eating ice cream improve your mood?

when you eat ice cream, all your five senses will be provoked and stimulated. From taste, aroma, temperature, even to the shape and color of ice cream, it will pamper your senses.

“That way, happy hormones, such as serotonin, will appear. “So it can help improve your mood,”.

In line with Doctor Gia’s statement, a study published in the journal Psychology of Well-being, states that eating ice cream can activate the cortex part of the brain. This part of the brain considers eating ice cream as a ” reward ” which ultimately creates a feeling of happiness.

Therefore, it is not surprising that ice cream has become a family favorite snack, because it can be enjoyed by all groups, including adults, teenagers and children.

For this reason, Wall’s can be the right snack choice to accompany your every moment. From Wall’s Solero Mango, and Wall’s Sweet Corn, to Cornetto Black and White, these products can accompany you and your family during quality time.

This cold snack can also support the formation of positive memories, namely me time or bonding moments between parents and children. This is certainly in line with Wall’s purpose of wanting to make #EveryoneSoHappy and Wall’s commitment to presenting products that have a positive impact on the lives of Indonesian people.

Based on the benefits of ice cream above, of course you don’t need to hesitate to consume this cold food. However, make sure to eat the right amount of ice cream and not excessively.

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