Benefits Of Eating Bael Murabba

The festival of Mahashivratri (Mahashivratri 2024 is going to be celebrated across the country on Fri, 8 Mar 2024). On the occasion of Mahashivratri, many types of things are offered to Lord Bholenath, among these are wood apples and belpatra. According to Hindu scriptures, the vine is very dear to Lord Shiva. The vine beloved by Bholenath is not just a fruit but an Ayurvedic medicine. Consuming wood apple juice during the summer season provides many benefits to the body. However, in today’s times, vine juice is not available everywhere.

In places where vine juice or vine fruit is not available, you can include Bael Murabba in your diet. Bael Murabba is easily available on online shopping websites. Nutrients like carbohydrates, iron, calcium, beta-carotene, fiber and protein are found in wood apple jam, hence it is considered very beneficial for health. Many health problems (Health Benefits of Bael Murabba) can be avoided by including Bael Murabba in the daily diet. Let us know about the benefits of eating wood apple jam.

Benefits of eating Bael Murabba

1. An adequate amount of Vitamin C is found in wood apple jam, which helps in strengthening the immune system. By having a strong immune system, the body can be protected from many types of seasonal diseases and external infections.

2. Anti-oxidant properties and fiber are found in wood apple jam, which helps in controlling cholesterol levels in the body. If a limited quantity of wood apple jam is consumed daily, it helps in removing bad cholesterol from the body.

3. Beta carotene and vitamin A are found in wood apple jam, which is very beneficial for the eyes. Research has revealed that if wood apple juice or apple jam is consumed regularly, it helps in improving eyesight.

4. The complaint of anemia has become very common these days in small children and women. Bael Murabba also proves to be very beneficial in preventing anemia. Iron is found in wood apple jam, which increases blood in the body and helps in eliminating diseases like anemia.

5. The effect of wood apple jam is cooling. If wood apple jam is consumed during the summer season, it helps in cooling the body.

When and how should one eat Bael Murabba?

Bael jam should be consumed in the morning for breakfast or lunch. Consuming wood apple jam for breakfast can also provide relief from digestive problems. Bael Murabba has a cooling effect, hence one should not consume more than 5 to 7 grams of it in a day.

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