Benefits of Downward Facing Dog Pose in Yoga

Among the yoga postures for beginners, one of the most outstanding is the one known by the name of “dog facing down” or, in Sanskrit, Adho Mukha Svanasana. It is one of the simplest exercises that are performed during a yoga session and that helps us stretch the muscles of the legs, back and arms, as well as providing us with a broad sense of well-being. It also increases the flexibility of the knees, spine and hips, which is why it is an essential posture within an exercise routine. In this article, we are going to discover the benefits of the downward-facing dog posture in yoga so that you know everything that this body position can bring you.

Table Of Content

Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana
How to Do Downward Facing Dog Pose Correctly
Downward Facing Dog Pose Contraindications

Benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana

We begin to discover the benefits of the downward-facing dog in yoga, a perfect posture to start getting started in the fascinating world of yoga and that will help you relieve tension, relax your body and improve the elasticity of your muscles. Here is a list of all the benefits you will get with this posture:

  • Strengthens the bones: therefore, it is an ideal position to avoid diseases related to bone health, such as osteoporosis
  • Stronger muscles: Another benefit of downward facing dog pose in yoga is that it tones the muscles of the body, especially those in the area of ​​the arms and legs.
  • Oxygenates our body: another benefit of this position is that, by having the body in an inverted position, blood circulation is improved, therefore, the oxygen that is transported through the red blood cells reaches more areas of the body. Body
  • Reduces tension: this posture is also perfect for reducing the tension accumulated in the body by completely stretching the muscles and joints and enjoying a comfortable posture with which you will feel much better
  • Reduces headaches: we have already indicated above that this posture manages to improve blood circulation and, this, makes oxygen reach the brain better, something that reduces headaches and/or migraines
  • Treats back pain: another of the benefits of the downward facing dog posture in yoga is that it manages to reduce the pain that you may suffer in the back since you manage to stretch the muscles in the area to the maximum and relax tensions

In any case, we want to emphasize that it is important to consult a doctor before starting to do yoga or always do it under the supervision of a professional, especially if you have any type of condition.

How to Do Downward Facing Dog Pose Correctly

Now that you know the benefits of the downward facing dog pose, it is important that you know how this yoga exercise is performed because, if you do not do it correctly, you will not feel the benefits that we have previously mentioned and, even worse, it is possible possibility that you can hurt your back, joints, etc.

So, to do the downward facing dog asana you have to follow these steps:

  1. The first thing you have to do is lie face down on the mat. Then, place both hands together on your chest and place your palms on the ground. Slightly separate your feet allowing them to be positioned in line with your hips.
  2. Now you will have to support your weight on all four extremities (both hands and both feet) separating your fingers so that, in this way, the pressure of your body is distributed correctly throughout all your muscles.
  3. Next, you will have to bring your buttocks to the area of ​​​​your heels, lift your hips and raise your heels to create the downward-facing dog posture, that is, create a triangular shape with your body with respect to the ground.
  4. You have to hold in this position by bringing your chest towards your thighs in order to fully stretch and open your backbones well. The head has to be hanging down, as relaxed as possible.

If you are a beginner in yoga you have to know that it will be very difficult for you to try to keep the soles of your feet on the ground, therefore, the most normal thing is that you are on your tiptoes. Do not get overwhelmed with this: it is normal. In yoga, you have to be aware of your body, listen to its needs and never force it. You will see how, little by little, your flexibility will increase and, in the end, you will be able to have the plants resting on the ground without any problem.

It may also be difficult for you to feel comfortable in this position at first, so a trick for beginners is to place thick books on the floor and rest your hands there. You will see how you feel more comfortable at first and how, over time, your body can already be relaxed touching the ground directly.

Downward Facing Dog Pose Contraindications

We have already told you that the posture of the downward-facing dog pose gives us several benefits for our health and that of our body. However, it is important that you keep in mind that there are some people who have to avoid doing this asana or, at least, ask a specialist for advice before practicing it.

Next, we are going to discover the main contraindications of this yoga posture :

  • If you have high blood pressure, it is not recommended that you do the downward-facing dog pose because the position could increase blood pressure.
  • If your shoulders are easily dislocated or you have an injury in this area of ​​the body, it is recommended that you do not perform this asana as it could harm you.
  • In the event that you are pregnant, after the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy, it is not recommended that you perform this asana because it can cause strong pressure in the abdomen. In this article, we discover 5 yoga exercises for pregnant women.
  • People suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should also not do this asana because it could increase their condition.

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