Benefits of Consuming Tilapia for Health

It turns out that tilapia contains many important nutrients that are good for health. Let’s find out the various benefits of tilapia here. President Joko Widodo has inaugurated a new approach to tilapia cultivation in Karawang, West Java. This step is expected to significantly increase tilapia production to meet the nutritional needs of the Indonesian people.

Tilapia is a source of animal protein which is important for health. Of the many healthy fish choices, namely salmon, tuna, and sardines, there is one type of fish that you shouldn’t miss trying, namely tilapia.

Apart from its delicious taste, tilapia is also not too fishy and you can get it at an affordable price.

Eating tilapia or also known as tilapia fish turns out to have a good impact on health. Are you curious about the benefits of tilapia? Come on, find out more through the following review.

1. High in Protein

It is common knowledge that fish is a high source of protein, and so does tilapia. In 100 grams, tilapia protein is around 20.1 grams.

This protein can help support bone and muscle growth, repair tissue, help oxygen flow in the body, digest food, and balance hormones.

So, because tilapia is a high source of protein, this side dish is good for toddlers and children who are growing. Not only that, for those of you who are recovering from illness, this fish is also good for speeding up your healing process.

2. Rich in nutrients

Apart from being rich in protein, tilapia also contains a number of other nutrients. Based on the USDA Food Data Central, the nutritional content of tilapia fish in 100 grams consists of:

  • Energy: 96 calories
  • Fat: 1.7 grams
  • Calcium: 10 mg
  • Iron: 0.56 mg
  • Magnesium: 27 mg
  • Potassium: 302 mg
  • Phosphorus: 170 mg
  • Niacin: 3.9 mg

It doesn’t stop there, there are other minerals contained in tilapia, such as zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and vitamin B6.

3. Contains high fatty acids

Compared to beef and chicken, tilapia has more omega-3 fatty acids. This content is important for supporting the membranes around cells in the body. Of course, the benefits of tilapia can have a good impact on the health of the heart, lungs, blood vessels and body immunity.

Apart from omega-3, tilapia also contains omega-6 fatty acids which can help control cholesterol levels. According to Doctors, the content of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids can support children’s brain growth.

“In adults, unsaturated fat intake is beneficial for blood vessels. “Based on studies, this content can prevent coronary heart disease, ” he said.

4. Maintain body immunity

To maintain your immune system, of course you need to meet your daily nutritional needs. The good news is that the selenium content in tilapia can help maintain the body’s immunity. Apart from that, selenium also plays an important role in cognitive function and supports fertility in men and women.

5. Strengthens Bones

Thanks to the calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D content in tilapia, it can support bone growth and maintain bone health.

This is because the body’s daily nutritional needs will be met, thereby preventing osteoporosis or bone loss. Apart from that, the collagen contained in tilapia can be useful for regenerating bone cells.

6. Ward off free radicals

Tilapia contains antioxidants that can prevent cell damage and the emergence of diseases caused by free radicals, such as premature aging and cancer.

Even though the benefits are quite good for health, further research is needed to determine the impact of eating tilapia in fighting free radicals.

7. Improves brain function

Eating tilapia regularly but not excessively can actually improve brain function. The benefits of this tilapia fish are due to the omega-3 content in it.

According to Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, omega-3 can improve neurological function and can protect nerves. This can help protect the brain from various diseases, such as Alzheimer’sParkinson’s, and epilepsy.

8. Fights Signs of Aging

The antioxidant and vitamin E content in tilapia can help improve skin health.

The reason is, that these nutrients can fight free radicals, so they can reduce inflammation and oxidative stress which can cause signs of aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and black spots.

If consumed regularly in normal levels, tilapia can also make your face brighter.

9. Maintains thyroid health

Tilapia, aka tilapia, contains selenium which plays an important role in regulating the thyroid gland. A normal thyroid gland can increase the body’s metabolic processes and prevent weight gain or loss.

Apart from that, normal functioning of the thyroid gland can also prevent diseases related to thyroid dysfunction

10. Heals Wounds

Tilapia contains collagen, a type of protein that has many benefits for the body, especially the skin. Moreover, if you have recently experienced an injury. By consuming tilapia, it can support collagen function to help the wound healing process faster.

11. Helps Red Blood Cell Production

Vitamin B12 in tilapia can actually help the production of red blood cells or erythrocytes. Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to body tissues so that the body can function properly.

If you suffer from anemia or lack of blood, it is a good idea to eat tilapia to help increase red blood cell production.

12. Maintains heart health

The unsaturated fats found in tilapia have been shown to have a beneficial effect on heart health. In fact, this fish can also reduce the risk of death from heart disease.

The reason is, the omega-3 fatty acids in tilapia can reduce inflammation in the body. When inflammation occurs, it can cause damage to blood vessels, which can increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.

13. Low Mercury Levels

When choosing fish to consume, you need to be careful about the mercury content in it. Mercury is a dangerous poison, especially for pregnant women and their wombs.

But there’s no need to worry, value fish has low levels of mercury, so it is safe to consume. However, make sure not to consume too much, okay?

14. Maintains acid-base balance in the body

Eating tilapia can help meet daily phosphorus needs. Apart from maintaining healthy bones and teeth, it turns out that this mineral can also maintain the acid-base balance in the blood.

When acid-base levels are balanced, this can help smooth the body’s metabolic system and hormone production.

15. Suitable for those with gout

According to Harvard, tilapia is the best choice for consumption by gout sufferers. This type of fish contains less purine than other types of fish, so it is safe for gout sufferers.

16. Improves digestive health

Tilapia contains natural digestive enzymes that help break down food into substances that are more easily absorbed by the body. This helps improve digestive efficiency and reduces digestive problems such as flatulence and diarrhea .

17. Improves sleep quality

Tilapia, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, offers incredible benefits for improving sleep quality. Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in increasing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body’s sleep-wake cycle.

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