Benefits of Banana Horns, Beware of the Side Effects

Here are the contents and benefits of bananas with the scientific name Musa x paradisiacal.

Banana content

Below is the composition of nutrients in one banana, weighing 270 grams.

1. Air: 176 grams (g).
2. Protein: 3,51 g.
3. Fat: 0.945 g.
4. Carbohydrates: 86.1 g.
5. Fiber: 4.59 g.
6. Sugar: 47.2 g.
7. Pati: 32.4 g.
8. Calcium: 8.1 milligrams (mg).
9. Iron: 1.48 mg.
10. Magnesium: 97,2 mg.
11. Fosfor: 86,4 mg.
12. Potassium: 1.31 grams.
13. Zink: 0,5 mg.
14. Vitamin B3: 1,81 mg.
15. Selenium: 4.05 micrograms (mcg).
16. Vitamin B6: 0,653 mg.
17. Vitamin C: 49,7 mg.
18. FOLAT: 59,4 mcg.
19. Kolin: 36.4 mg.
20. Vitamin A: 151 mcg.
21. Beta carotes: 1,230 mcg.
22. Lutein+zeaxanthin: 81 mcg.

With the same size (270 grams), the calories of bananas are 329 kcal.

Benefits of horn bananas

From the nutritional content, the banana horn can provide a number of health benefits of Bananas That You Didn’t Know About with WaysAndHow.

1. Provides energy intake

Calories in food provide the energy intake needed for physical activity.

Most of the energy intake of bananas comes from carbohydrates. As many as 94% of the calories in bananas even come from carbohydrates.

Later, carbohydrates will be broken down by the body in the form of glucose or sugar and used by the body as “fuel” for your muscles and brain.

2. Lowering the risk of anemia

The benefits of horn bananas are also good for preventing anemia or lack of blood. Yes, this fruit is rich in iron and folate.

These three nutrients help increase the number of red blood cells so that oxygen and nutrients can circulate in the body optimally.

3. Strengthen immunity

There are several types of nutrients in bananas that maintain the function of immune cells, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, iron, protein, and selenium.

When immune cells are maintained, the body can fight bacterial infections and control inflammation in the body. So you don’t get sick easily.

4. Manage blood sugar

If you want to get the benefits of cooking bananas for blood sugar, choose one that is still raw and green. Unripe bananas contain resistant starch.

Unlike starch in general, resistant starch cannot be broken down by the body into glucose. So, blood sugar levels did not spike drastically.

In addition, the glycemic index of this fruit is quite low, which is around 54.6 and 45.3. The low number also helps avoid spikes in blood sugar.

5. Maintain digestive health

The fiber content in bananas helps to condense the stool as well as absorb water in the intestines. This helps stool pass more easily.

In addition, the resistant starch from unripe bananas also helps provide food for the good bacteria in the gut. So, the balance of bacteria or intestinal microbiota will be maintained.

6. Control blood pressure

The benefits of this horn banana come from its high potassium levels. This mineral is important to get rid of excess sodium through urine.

Keep in mind, sodium is a mineral that triggers an increase in blood sugar.

Potassium also helps relax the walls of blood vessels so that blood flow is smoother. As a result, blood pressure drops.

7. Complete the nutritional needs of pregnant women

Banana horn contains high folate or vitamin B9 which is needed during pregnancy.

Folate intake needs to help prevent babies born with defects in the brain and neural tube. Folate also supports growth and development of the placenta in the fetus.

In addition, bananas help meet the needs of other vitamins and minerals that are important during pregnancy, namely vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and iron.

These nutrients are needed to provide oxygen, bone growth, healthy skin, and good eye quality to the fetus.

8. Supports mental health

In addition to maintaining physical health, it turns out that the benefits of horn bananas are also good for mental health.

The content of vitamin B6 in bananas increases a compound in the brain called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). This compound can calm your psychological condition.

A study published in Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental (2022) even found that vitamin B6 intake helped reduce anxiety and depression.

9. Maintain weight

The benefits of cooking bananas help control weight because they are high in fiber and protein.

Consumption of high-fiber foods makes the stomach full longer. In addition, protein increases the hormone that triggers satiety and decreases the hormone hunger.

It can be concluded, eating bananas helps control appetite so that daily calorie intake is maintained and weight is controlled.

10. Strengthens bones

If you want healthy bones, you can eat this one fruit.

Banana horn helps maintain bone mineral density because it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

In addition, vitamin C in bananas helps the absorption of zinc and calcium intake.

Banana horn side effects

Although it has various health benefits, there are also side effects of consuming bananas. Anything?

1. Hyperkalemia

Because they are high in potassium, eating bananas will make you prone to low blood pressure.

Excessive intake can even trigger hyperkalemia or too much potassium in the blood.

2. Interact with certain drugs

You should ask your doctor if you are taking beta-blockers for high blood pressure and want to eat this banana.

The reason, this drug can increase the amount of potassium in the body. It is feared that you will experience excess potassium levels.

3. Trigger excess weight

One banana has high enough calories, even exceeding the recommended snack calories, which is 200 kcal per day.

Excessive consumption can certainly increase calorie intake and cause weight gain.

Because the size is quite large, you can cut it into small pieces so that the portion and calories are reduced. According To BodyHub Surprising Green Banana Benefits, You Probably Didn’t Know

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