What are the benefits of applying a cinnamon and turmeric face pack on the face?

Turmeric and cinnamon face pack

Today 6 out of every 10 girls are struggling with skin problems. Some people have acne masks on their faces, while others are troubled by the problem of pimples and dark circles around the eyes. These problems occurring on the face not only look bad but also tarnish the beauty of the face. To get relief from pimples, acne and dark circles under the eyes, many girls use expensive beauty products available in the market (Beauty Product for Acne and Pimples).

The effect of beauty products is visible on the face for a few days, but after some time, sometimes the condition of the skin becomes worse. If you are also struggling with any of these skin problems (Women’s Skin Probe) and are tired of using many types of products, then today we are going to tell you a special home remedy.

To try this home remedy, you will need cinnamon and turmeric. The nutrients of turmeric and cinnamon help in deep cleaning the skin and getting rid of acne and pimples (Home Remedies for Acne Mask). Let us know how to make a cinnamon and turmeric face mask and the benefits of applying a cinnamon and turmeric face pack on the face.

How to make cinnamon and turmeric face packs for your face?


Cinnamon powder – 2 teaspoons

Turmeric – 1 teaspoon

Honey – to make a smooth paste

Method to make cinnamon face pack

First of all, mix honey well with cinnamon powder.

When cinnamon and honey mix well, add turmeric to it.

After adding turmeric, mix this paste until it is well prepared.

Apply the paste of turmeric, cinnamon and honey after cleaning the face with face wash.

While applying this face pack, make sure that a thin layer is applied on the face.

If the cinnamon and turmeric face pack looks too thick on the face, it will not be beneficial.

Benefits of applying cinnamon and turmeric face pack on the face

Provides relief from acne

Antiseptic properties are found in turmeric and cinnamon, which help in getting rid of acne and acne marks. To get rid of the problem of acne, you can use a cinnamon and turmeric face pack twice a week.

Cinnamon provides relief from wrinkles

Cinnamon and turmeric face pack is very beneficial in reducing the signs of aging from the skin. The antioxidant properties present in it remove wrinkles and increase glow on the face. To get relief from wrinkles, apply cinnamon and turmeric face pack mixed with petroleum jelly.

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