Bell’s Palsy Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Bell’s Palsy Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

“Bell’s palsy is paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face.


Bell’s palsy is paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of the face. This condition can make the face asymmetrical.

Nerve damage to the face can also cause reduced or lost the facial ability to express impaired tear production and taste buds, and numbness.

Generally, Bell’s palsy is temporary and can heal by itself.


The exact cause of Bell’s palsy is not known. Some theories say this disease is triggered by a viral infection, autoimmune disease, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of the facial skin, exposure to wind, and tumors.


Symptoms of Bell’s palsy that are commonly complained of are:

  • Paralysis of one side of the upper and lower facial muscles, suddenly. The patient is unable to wrinkle the forehead, close the eyelids, the face is pulled towards the healthy side, and so on
  • Sharp pain behind the ear or from inside the ear
  • Sensitive to sound
  • Reduced taste power on the tongue
  • Sometimes the face feels stiff


To diagnose Bell’s palsy, it takes a doctor interviews with the patient. The doctor will ask about the patient’s and family’s medical history, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, ear problems, history of stroke, impaired kidney function, and so on.

In addition, the doctor will determine whether paralysis on one side of the face is not followed by paralysis of the other body. If there is paralysis, then the patient may have a stroke.


Treatment for Bell’s palsy can be in the form of drugs, physiotherapy, and independent exercises. If the patient has both diabetes and high blood pressure, the dosage will be more stringent and accompanied by control of both diseases. Antivirals can be given if there is no impaired kidney function.

If the patient’s eyes cannot close, teardrops are needed to prevent eye damage. Patients can also close their eyes themselves every now and then so that the eyes are not too dry.

In addition, patients can do their own therapy at home. For example, facing a mirror and practicing saying the letters AIUEO with your mouth muscles moving to the fullest. If the condition gets worse, immediately consult a doctor.

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