Baby Stool (Meconium Ileus) Revealed, Secrets Of Baby’s Health

The first stool a newborn passes after birth is called meconium stool. Baby’s bowel movement is a sign that your child is healthy and away from any disease and crisis. Many things related to the health of the baby can be estimated by looking at meconium. In this article, know how to know from your baby’s stool whether the baby is completely healthy or not.

What will my newborn baby’s stool look like?

Newborn meconium is usually an odorless, sticky, tar-like substance that is greenish-black in color. It is made up of amniotic fluid, mucus, phlegm, lanugo, bile and water etc. which the baby swallows in the mother’s womb. Meconium remains in the baby’s stomach until the time of birth. The baby usually passes stool within 24 hours after birth. After meconium, the baby’s stool is a normal-looking yellow or brown stool.

If I’m breastfeeding, what will my baby’s stool look like?

Breastfed babies have frequent bowel movements. He goes potty at least three times each day for the first 6 weeks. Your baby may also pass stools after every feed. If your breastfed baby is having fewer than three bowel movements a day, he may not be getting enough milk. In such a situation, you should show your child to a pediatrician, if his weight is increasing, then less baby stool is not a problem.

While breastfeeding, your baby’s stool may not smell for the first few days. After passing meconium, many parents claim that their breastfed baby’s stool doesn’t smell very bad.

Does formula milk affect a baby’s stool?

Of course, what a baby drinks affects his or her stool. Many parents report that formula poop has a somewhat stronger smell, is darker in color, and it can be thicker than breast milk stool. . If your baby transitions from breast milk to formula or from formula to breast milk, you may also notice a difference in the color and texture of their stool.

Formula-fed babies usually have more solid stools and may be more yellow-green or tan in color.

Will there be a change in the baby’s stool if he gives up breastfeeding and starts drinking formula milk?

Yes, there is a change in the baby’s stool if he gives up breastfeeding and drinks formula milk. The smell, texture, consistency, quantity, color and frequency of a formula-fed baby’s poop all change.

What will the baby’s stool look like after introducing solid food?

It is normal to see some changes in your baby’s stool when he starts eating solid foods at six months of age. Switching from a milk-only diet to solid food means his digestive system will begin preparing to digest the new food. The color and smell of baby stool will change, and they may have more or less frequent bowel movements than before.

When your baby starts eating solid foods, his stools become thick, dark yellow and very smelly. It will not always look the same and may be different after eating different foods. Some high-fiber foods, such as raisins, chickpeas or pomegranate seeds, may also pass through your child’s digestive system almost unchanged (whole).

Let us now know when there can be a matter of concern about the baby’s stool.

What kind of stool is not normal?

If you notice any of the following abnormalities while paying attention to your baby’s stool, please inform your pediatrician –

  • If your child is not gaining weight and has excessive bowel movements, this is not normal.
  • If your baby is not eating properly or is not passing stools or passing hard stools, these may be symptoms of constipation or illness.
  • If your baby is passing black, bloody or green foamy stools, then these can also be symptoms of some disease.
  • If your baby’s stool is unusually watery and frequent, it may be a sign of diarrhea. In such a situation, the child should be seen by a doctor immediately because it can cause dehydration.

So you know how important it is to check your baby’s diaper carefully in the first few months of life. Checking the texture and color of their stool is a good way to confirm whether your baby is healthy and getting enough breast milk. Usually, a slight change in the color or texture of baby stool is nothing to worry about. But if there is a condition like blood or excess water in the potty, then it becomes important to consult a doctor at once.

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