Atelectasis Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Atelectasis Definition

The respiratory tract is an organ with a shape resembling a branching pipe from the nose to the lungs. In the lungs, the tubes become a single unit of millions of branches with balloon-like ends. The end of this balloon is called the alveolus.

The alveoli are in charge of storing oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. Under certain conditions, the alveoli may not expand to accommodate oxygen. This condition is called atelectasis.

Atelectasis can occur for various reasons. Among other things due to the effects of surgery, cystic fibrosis, the presence of foreign bodies in the airways, lung tumors to chest collisions. The severity of atelectasis depends on the extent of the alveolus involved and the general condition of the patient.

Atelectasis Reason

Atelectasis can occur for various reasons, either due to obstruction in the airway or pressure from outside the lungs.

Blockages in the airway that can lead to atelectasis include:

  • Clumps of mucus in the airway
  • Intruded foreign objects such as nuts or toys
  • Formation of scar tissue in the airways as a complication of certain diseases, such as tuberculosis
  • Tumors along the airway
  • Blood clots

While pressure from outside the lungs can be:

  • chest collision
  • Pleural effusion or fluid buildup in the lining of the lungs
  • Lung infection or pneumonia
  • Pneumothorax or the presence of free air in the lining between the lungs and the chest wall
  • Tumor

Atelectasis Diagnosis

To diagnose atelectasis, several tests are needed, such as:

  • Chest X-ray

A chest X-ray is generally done to see if there is a foreign body that can be the cause of atelectasis.

  • CT-scan

On a CT scan, lung conditions can be evaluated in more detail. Tumors or similar structures that cause compression of the lung can be seen on this examination.

  • Oximetry

Oximetry is done to check the level of oxygen in the blood.

  • bronchoscopy

Bronchoscopy is an examination performed to look directly at the structures in the airways. A camera tube will be inserted through the mouth, tracing the airway. The presence of blockages such as foreign objects can be seen through the camera on this tool.

Atelectasis Symptoms

Symptoms of atelectasis can include:

  • Hard to breathe

If the atelectasis is extensive, the work of the lungs may be severely weakened and potentially cause respiratory failure.

  • Increased heart rate

As oxygen levels in the blood drop, the heart compensates by pumping more blood by increasing the rate of its beat.

  • The body looks blue or cyanosis

Cyanosis occurs due to low oxygen levels in the blood.

Atelectasis Treatment

Treatment for atelectasis varies, depending on the cause. In general, the patient will be asked to take a deep breath and cough vigorously. It is hoped that this strong cough can relieve the airway obstruction and open the alveoli in the lungs.

In addition to these methods, several ways are also carried out as a step in the treatment of atelectasis:

  • Suction

Suctioning is an act of suctioning the airway by medical personnel in an effort to remove blockages, for example those caused by a buildup of mucus.

  • bronchoscopy

If suction is considered ineffective, then the next action that can be considered is bronchoscopy. Bronchoscopy is an examination performed to look directly at the structures in the airways.

A camera tube is inserted through the mouth, tracing the airway. The presence of blockages such as foreign objects can be seen through the camera on this tool. Appropriate action to remove the blockage can be done after knowing the shape of the blockage.

  • Operation

This action is necessary when the cause of atelectasis is impossible to treat with suction or bronchoscopy. An example of this is atelectasis caused by a tumor. In addition to surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are also needed in this case.

  • Drugs

Medical drugs such as phlegm-thinning drugs can also be used in cases of atelectasis due to mucus blockage.

Atelectasis Complications

Atelectasis can lead to various complications, such as:

  • Hypoxia or low oxygen levels in the body
  • Pneumonia or lung infection by bacteria
  • Breathing failure

Atelectasis Prevention

One of the most common causes of atelectasis that occurs in children is airway obstruction due to foreign bodies. Therefore, always keep small objects out of reach of children to prevent them from entering the airway and prevent atelectasis from occurring.

In adults, atelectasis is generally caused by the effects of surgery. Therefore, coordination and in-depth consultation with the doctor who will perform the operation is very much needed as the key to prevention. According to Dr.G Bhanu Prakash Animated Medical Videos Atelectasis: Etiology, Clinical Features, Pathology, pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

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