Apart from hearing, this is another function of the inner ear

The function of the inner ear is no less important than the outer and middle ear. Like the rest of the ear, the inner ear has a function to listen to sound. But apart from that, the inner ear also plays an important role in maintaining the balance of your body.

The ear is divided into 3 main parts, namely the outer, middle, and inner. The outer ear consists of the ear canal and auricle, while the middle ear consists of 3 small bones, namely the malleus, incus, and stapes.

The inner ear is the innermost component of your ear which is often also called the labyrinth because of its complex shape and function. The following is a more detailed explanation of the function of the inner ear.

Main Functions of the Inner Ear

The inner ear has 2 main functions, namely:

1. Hearing voice

The main part of the inner ear is the cochlea, or it can also be called the cochlea, because of its similar shape. Inside the cochlear canal there is a fluid that transmits sound vibrations and the organ of Corti which functions as a receiver for these sound vibration signals.

There are several processes that occur from the outer ear to the inner so that a person can hear and understand sounds, including:

1. Sound waves will enter through the earlobe and forward to the eardrum.
2. The eardrum vibrates and sound travels to the 3 small bones in the middle ear.
3. This movement of the middle ear pushes sound waves into the middle ear and causes vibrations in the fluid in the cochlea.
4. Vibration of the fluid in the cochlea will be received by the organ of Corti.
5. Tiny hairs in the organ of Corti convert sound waves into electrical signals.
6. These electrical signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve, so we can understand what sounds we hear.

2. Body balance organs

In the inner ear, there is a semicircular section filled with endolymph fluid and motion sensors that resemble fine hairs. This section is known as the semicircular canal.

The semicircular canals are connected by sac-like structures, namely the utricle and saccule which also have motion sensors. These three organs both play a role in maintaining the balance of your body.

When your body moves, the fluid in this organ will also shift so that it moves the fine hairs in it. After that, the motion and balance sensors will send messages to the brain to tell your body to stay balanced.

The brain will respond to this by giving orders to muscles throughout the body to coordinate in such a way that the body is in a state of balance.

This system allows you to remain stable and balanced when you are in an elevator going up and down or sitting quietly in a car that is moving forward or backward.

The function of the inner ear is rarely realized. In fact, the function of the inner ear can be said to be the key to the sense of hearing and the function of your body’s balance. In addition to its small size, you really can’t see it directly because of its deep location.

However, keep in mind that without a healthy outer ear and middle ear, the inner ear cannot function properly either. Therefore, take care of your overall ear health.

The most common and easy way is to keep the ears clean. Earwax that builds up in the ear canal can affect hearing, increase the risk of developing an external ear canal, and injure the eardrum.

Also, avoid listening to songs or movies that are very loud, especially when wearing earphones. If you are in an area that is constantly noisy, use ear protection that can reduce noise from outside.

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