Anal Abscess Symptoms You Need to Know

Anal abscess is a medical disorder due to infection in the small glands around the Anal, which triggers the appearance of pus. Recognize the following symptoms of an Anal abscess.

Have you ever felt pain in the buttocks, especially the area near the Anal? To the extent that you feel comfortable when you have to sit for a long time and also lie down. Don’t worry, you have an anal abscess. So worry you should check the symptoms first.

What is Anal Abscess?

Anal abscess or anal abscess is a disease that causes pain in the anal area. The cause is an infection of the small glands in the wall of the Anal which then form like ulcers.

Anal abscess is characterized by a collection of pus in the Anal or around it. Usually, the infection starts from the oil glands or hair in the area around the Anal, which then enlarges.

In certain cases, sometimes boils can go away on their own, but not infrequently also require special treatment such as the use of antibiotics, or minor surgery to clean and remove the accumulated pus.

Anal abscess that does not heal completely can cause another problem, namely the formation of a fistula. A fistula is a tunnel-like joint that appears as a result of a collection of pus remaining in the boil. In the case of an anal abscess, this tunnel or fistula forms out of the skin or into the Anal.

If these complications occur, healing will be more complicated because the fistula can recur. This condition will certainly have a negative impact on the sufferer.

Symptoms of Anal Abscess to Watch Out for

Knowing the symptoms of an anal abscess is very important so that it can be treated as early as possible. Symptoms that you need to pay attention to include the following.

1. Pain around the Anal

The initial symptom that is usually felt by patients is the onset of pain around the Anal. The pain is sometimes sharp, especially when sitting or having a bowel movement.

Usually, the pain will get worse as the abscess grows.

2. There are lumps around the Anal

Another symptom to watch out for is a lump around the Anal. These lumps are usually only known after the onset of pain, accidentally found while urinating, or while taking a bath.

The lumps around the Anal must be carefully observed whether they are enlarged or not. A lump that is getting bigger and accompanied by pain that is increasing in intensity is an indication of an anal abscess.

When seen, the lump is usually reddish in color with a white dot at its peak. The white color indicates the presence of pus in the lump.

3. Weak Body and Fever

Fever and weakness are not a definite symptoms of an anal abscess, but additional symptoms. If there is pain around the Anal, there is a palpable lump that is getting bigger, then coupled with complaints of fever and weakness, there is a possibility that the abscess is expanding.

Yes, high fever and weakness are symptoms that can appear if the infection is widespread.

4. Other Symptoms

Other symptoms that can also appear are difficult bowel movements and difficulty urinating, to bleeding or discharge from the Anal.

If an anal abscess occurs in the deeper layers of the rectum, pain and discomfort can occur in the abdomen. This condition can occur in people with inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS) or colitis.

In toddlers, the symptoms of an anal abscess are generally only in the form of pain and discomfort that make them fussy. You can also find swelling or lumps around your baby’s anal area.

Physical examination directly by a doctor is very important to establish the diagnosis of an anal abscess. If you experience at least two of the symptoms mentioned above, you should immediately consult a doctor to make sure it is an anal abscess or not.

If you have experienced symptoms of an anal abscess but it is not treated immediately, an anal abscess can expand and cause complications in the form of fistula formation. If that happens, then the handling will be more complex. It may require surgery and wound care as well as taking antibiotics for a longer period of time.

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