Anal Abscess Explanation, Symptoms, Reason, Treatment

Anal abscess is a condition in which there is a collection of pus or pus around the anus, which is accompanied by pain.


Anal abscess is a condition in which there is a collection of pus or pus around the anus, which is accompanied by pain. Most cases of anal abscess are caused by infection of the small glands around the anus.

The most common type of anal abscess is a perianal abscess. This condition most often appears as a boil-like lump around the anus, which can be red and feel warm. Anal abscess located in deeper tissue is less common, and may not be visible.

Surgery in the form of incision and drainage is the most common treatment for all types of anal abscesses. This method has a high success rate.

About 50% of patients with anal abscesses can develop a complication called a fistula, which is the formation of an abnormal passage between the site of the abscess and the skin. In some cases, the presence of an anal fistula can cause persistent discharge.

Meanwhile, in some other cases, when the gap closes, an anal abscess can recur. Surgical treatment is also required for anal fistulas.


The causes of an anal abscess can vary, and include:

• An infected fissure, or tear, in the anus
• Sexually transmitted infection
• A blockage in the glands around the anus

Some of the risk factors associated with anal abscess are:

• Colon infection
• Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
• Diabetes
• Pelvic inflammation
• History of certain drug use
• History of being a receptive partner who has anal intercourse


The signs and symptoms that can be observed in a superficial anal abscess are:

• Pain, which is usually persistent, throbbing, and more severe when sitting down
• Skin irritation around the anus, including swelling and redness
• There is pus
• Constipation or pain related to bowel movements

Signs and symptoms that can also be observed in a deep anal abscess are:

• Fever
• Chills •


Generally, the diagnosis of anal abscess is established through clinical evaluation in the form of a medical interview and physical examination. A rectal examination may also be performed to diagnose the presence of an anal abscess.

Some patients may also need investigations. This examination is usually needed to evaluate for sexually transmitted infections, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, or rectal cancer.

In a minority of cases, the doctor may also order an ultrasound (USG), computerized tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Treatment of an anal abscess in most cases is surgical drainage, where an incision is made around the anus to drain the abscess. Treatment to drain the contents of the abscess is important, before the abscess ruptures.

Shallow anal abscesses can be followed up using a local anesthetic. However, deep anal abscesses may require hospitalization and involve an anesthesiologist for anesthesia. After the procedure, the doctor may prescribe medication to treat pain or antibiotics if deemed necessary.

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