Aerobic exercises to do at home

Getting in shape and having a toned body is still a challenge for many people. Achieving this purpose can happen in many ways, whether it’s going for a run or joining a gym. However, the pace of life that we lead often makes it impossible for us to dedicate an hour a day to travel to play sports. Also, with the arrival of the Coronavirus pandemic, everyone was forced to stay home and restrict their outings.

However, there is something good behind all this and that is that, despite everything, we can always spend some time a week exercising from the comfort of our home. Cardio and aerobic exercises are a great way to exercise and that is why in this new article we are going to teach you aerobic exercises to do at home that will surely solve the day.

Table Of Content

1. Jump Squats
2. Jump from knees to chest
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbing
5. Jump Rope
6. Steps

Jump Squats

Squats are one of the most popular strength exercises for people starting to exercise at home. You can work the entire part of the buttocks, legs and lower abdomen simply by bending your legs and raising the weight of your trunk. However, there is a way to do this aerobic exercise: adding a jump. Follow the tips below to perform squats correctly:

  1. Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bend your knees with your back straight.
  3. When going up, push yourself in a light jump that separates your feet from the ground.
  4. As you land, pick up your weight by bending your knees again, making sure they don’t go beyond the line of sight of the balls of your feet.

Jump from knees to chest

We can choose to do this aerobic exercise without impact and without jumping, but the ideal is to give it more intensity and produce a more dynamic movement. By doing so, we exercise not only the buttocks and legs, but also the abdomen by having to support the weight of our body in each jump:

  1. Stand with your back straight and your legs slightly apart.
  2. Jog and raise each knee on each jump, alternately and on the spot.
  3. Try to raise the knee as much as possible towards the trunk of the body without rounding the back.


This workout is one of the most intense to do at home since it has strength and cardio in equal parts. This is one of the aerobic exercises that will be ideal for working your entire body and raising your heart rate. Here we show you how to do a burpee According To Well+Good How To Do A Burpee | The Right Way:

  1. Stand tall with your legs slightly apart.
  2. Lower your trunk until you touch the ground with your hands.
  3. Support the weight with your hands and jump down to a plank.
  4. Do a full pushup.
  5. At the end of the push-up, do the exercise in reverse and return to the starting position standing up.

In the image, we show you how to do this aerobic exercise and we show you an alternative to burpees for beginners, so you start little by little and don’t injure yourself. And, if you’re advanced, finish the burpee with a jump.

Mountain Climbing

This aerobic exercise requires a good physical condition since it has a great impact, and it is ideal for both the arms and shoulders as well as for the abdomen. To make it more comfortable, you can use a mat: According To Howcast How to Do a Mountain Climber | Boot Camp Workout

  1. Lie face down on the mat, supported by your knees and the palms of your hands.
  2. Stretch your legs and stay in a plank with your arms extended.
  3. Bring the knee to the center of the abdomen, alternating one leg and the other and giving slight jumps.

jump rope


It may be child’s play for many people, but jumping rope is one of the most complete and demanding aerobic exercises out there. In addition, it burns a lot of calories since it consists of constantly being impacted by your body and increasing your heart rate.

If you don’t have neighbors downstairs to disturb, this may be one of the best aerobic practices to do in your home.

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Hold the rope or jump rope with both hands at hip height.
  3. Begin to raise the rope around you from top to bottom and take small jumps so that the circle can be completed.
  4. Play with intensity and height.


Steps exercise

For this last aerobic exercise to do from home, you are going to need something that works as a step. You don’t have to get one from the gym. Any slightly elevated surface that you can lean on can work. This exercise is ideal for working your legs and buttocks and, as with the jump rope exercise, you can control the intensity and speed yourself:

  1. Stand facing the step.
  2. Go down and up alternating both legs to distribute the effort in a balanced way.
  3. Perform the exercise in 5-minute increments to notice the work in the gluteal area.

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