Absence Seizure Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Absence Seizure Definition, Reason, Symptom, Treatment, Prevention

Absence seizures (absence seizures) are a type of seizure with symptoms in the form of being stunned for a few seconds when the seizure occurs. This type of seizure is also known as a petit mal seizure.

Absence seizures are most common in children, especially those aged 4–14 years. Generally, seizures occur in a very short time. However, it can be repeated many times a day.

There are cases where sufferers experience these seizures up to ten times a day, others experience them up to hundreds of times a day.

Unfortunately, because the symptoms are just a blank slate, the condition of an absence seizure is often too late to notice.

Absence-type seizures are part of epilepsy. Therefore, observation and treatment of Absence Seizures is very important. Absence Seizure, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. With Medical Centric Below


Absence seizures are caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The cause of the abnormal electrical activity is still not clearly understood. Genetic mutations are also suspected to be one of the causes, but which genes are mutated is still in the stage of further research.

In addition to genetic factors, several things that can increase the risk of absence seizures are:

  • Habit of drinking alcohol
  • Cocaine users
  • Side effects of drugs such as high doses of penicillin antibiotics, high doses of INH, and neuroleptic drugs


The main symptom of an absence seizure is silence that lasts for a few seconds. At that time, the sufferer could not be spoken to, could not hear, and could not converse with other people.

Sometimes apart from being dumbfounded, the symptoms of an absence seizure are also accompanied by mouth tasting or moving the eyebrows. In this type of seizure, as soon as the seizure ends, the patient can immediately return to normal activities.

This causes absenteeism to be known too late because it seems like it doesn’t have any problems.


Absence seizure disease is often too late to diagnose because the symptoms are atypical. Doctors suspect this disease when the child appears to be having episodes of stupor for a few seconds. To be sure, it is necessary to do electroencephalography (EEG) examination to see any abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

In addition, to ensure that absence seizures are caused by epilepsy and not caused by other diseases, blood tests, CT scan or MRI of the brain are generally performed, and an examination of cerebrospinal fluid through a lumbar puncture is necessary.


The main treatment for the Absence Seizures is taking anti-epileptic drugs. Because the side effects are quite varied, this drug should only be given by a neurologist with close monitoring. Patients with Absence seizures should always have regular check-ups with a doctor.

There are many anti-epileptic drugs, but the most effective for the absence of epilepsy are ethosuximide and valproic acid.

The duration of taking anti-epileptic drugs in one person can be different from another. If after taking the drug for a certain period of time, absence seizures no longer appear, then the doctor will reduce the dose of the drug slowly.

However, if the absence seizure still cannot be controlled with medication, it is often necessary to increase the dose of the drug, or it is necessary to combine it with other drugs.

Patients with absence seizures can carry out their activities as usual, but for some activities, such as swimming, it needs to be monitored closely because if an absence occurs while swimming, the risk of drowning can occur even though the possibility is small.


If a person is known to have an absence seizure type of epilepsy, then seizures can be prevented by:

  • Take anti-epileptic drugs regularly as recommended by your doctor
  • Get enough sleep 6-8 hours a day
  • Manage stress well
  • Eat foods that are high in fiber

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