Abdominal Pain Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Abdominal Pain Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints felt by most people. This is a feeling of discomfort in the stomach where there are various symptoms that can accompany it. Complaints of abdominal pain can be caused by organ disorders in the stomach, or not in the stomach.


Abdominal pain can have a variety of symptoms. These symptoms can be in the form of sensations such as cramps, stomach twisting, feeling of being pricked in the stomach, and so on. In terms of time, there is abdominal pain that only lasts for a few minutes, or occurs continuously for several hours to several days.

In disorders of the digestive tract, symptoms of abdominal pain are generally felt like cramps or twists, accompanied by diarrhea/constipation, vomiting, and stomach feeling full.

Symptoms of stomach pain in cases of food poisoning are accompanied by severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea immediately after consuming unhygienic food.

Symptoms of a urinary tract infection generally are lower abdominal pain, accompanied by pain when urinating, a feeling of incomplete urination, and urine that can be cloudy or red in color.

In disturbed uterine organs, abdominal pain is generally accompanied by bleeding from the vagina, vaginal discharge, or pain during intercourse.


There are various causes of stomach pain, including:

  • Disorders of the digestive tract, such as gallstones, stomach irritation, inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, and so on.
  • Food poisoning
  • Disturbances in the urinary tract, such as kidney stones, kidney infections, or bladder infections
  • Food allergies
  • Disturbances in the uterine organs, for example uterine infection, miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy
  • Etc


To determine the diagnosis of abdominal pain, in the early stages, the doctor will conduct a thorough physical examination. After that, additional examinations can be carried out according to the suspected cause of the abdominal pain.

In stomach pain due to indigestion, stool examination, ultrasound, or endoscopy can be done. If urinary tract disorders are suspected as the cause, routine urine tests in the laboratory, abdominal ultrasound, or X-rays of the abdominal area also need to be done.

In disorders of the uterine organs, examination of vaginal fluid smears under a microscope and ultrasound of the uterus are generally needed.


The main treatment for stomach pain depends on the cause. As initial aid, people with stomach ache can take paracetamol to relieve pain. Also, try to eat small but frequent meals, and drink warm water slowly.

Immediately visit the doctor if:

  • Abdominal pain feels so great that you can’t move
  • Accompanied by nausea and vomiting until food and drink cannot be digested at all
  • Stool mixed with blood
  • History of a collision in the stomach a few days before the stomach hurts
  • Complaints of abdominal pain in general that do not go away for > 2 weeks


Ways to prevent stomach pain also vary, depending on the cause. But in general, to deal with stomach pain due to indigestion, make it a habit to eat at regular times. You should make sure to eat nutritious food (containing carbohydrates, vegetables, protein and fruit).

In addition, avoid stress by exercising regularly 4-5 times a week for 30-60 minutes.

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