Is it true that HIV / AIDS cannot be cured?

In the past, HIV/AIDS was considered a very scary disease. The thought that is embedded in the minds of many people is that this disease is incurable, and leads to death.

Not a few people think that people with this disease (PLWHA) can no longer live a normal life. However, in 1996, the world of health managed to find a drug to control HIV/AIDS.

HIV/AIDS is a dangerous and life-threatening disease, while the transmission of HIV or AIDS itself is through indiscriminate sexual intercourse, then using unsterile needles and several other ways of transmission. Types of HIV Tests You Must Know

Antiretroviral Discovery Becomes a Blessing

These drugs are called antiretrovirals (ARVs) by experts. The discovery of ARVs is a momentum in the care of PLHIV. In fact, currently technological developments make antiretroviral drugs more developed.

This treatment is not able to cure the disease as a whole. However, ARV treatment can dramatically inhibit the development of the virus, improve the quality of life for PLHIV, and reduce the risk of transmission. HIV Disease Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

So that at this time, HIV disease or AIDS disease has been accepted as a disease that can be controlled and is no longer considered a frightening specter. Several types of antiretroviral drugs include Evanfirenz, Lamivudine, Zidovudine, and Nevirapine.

ARVs must be consumed for life by sufferers. With adherence in taking medication and maintaining good body condition, an PLWHA can live, work, and carry out activities like a healthy person.

An PLWHA who regularly consumes ARVs regularly has a very high life expectancy, even for decades. This situation can be interpreted that actually an PLWHA ‘can’ recover.

So, the stigma that HIV/AIDS is a very scary disease has changed a lot. With the presence of drugs that inhibit the development of this virus, an PLWHA can live and do activities like other normal people. Do you still think HIV/AIDS cannot be cured?

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