It is safe to drink coconut water after taking medicine?

There is a myth that coconut water can neutralize drugs so they no longer work properly. Then, is it true? How to drink coconut water after taking medicine?

The effect of drinking coconut water after taking medicine

Can coconut water neutralize drugs? Until now, there has been no research that proves drinking coconut water can neutralize drugs.

You may also ask, after drinking coconut water can I take medicine? May or may not, depending on the type of drug consumed.

It’s best if you postpone drinking coconut water after taking blood pressure-lowering drugs and paracetamol.

Following are the side effects of coconut water taken with these two types of drugs.

1. Hyperkalemia

Postpone taking medication after drinking coconut water and vice versa if you are taking medication for hypertension, including:

1. captopril,
2. enalapril,
3. losartan,
4. valsartan,
5. diltiazem,
6. amlodipine,
7. hydrochlorothiazide,
8. furosemide, dan
9. spironolactone.

Coconut water contains potassium which is quite high. Meanwhile, hypertension drugs contain potassium or increase potassium levels in the body.

Consuming coconut water after taking medication causes potassium in the body to increase dramatically. This can cause hyperkalemia or excess potassium in the blood.

Hyperkalemia causes muscle weakness, tingling, numbness, shortness of breath, and palpitations.

2. Low blood pressure

This effect is still associated with hyperkalemia. Potassium actually helps get rid of sodium or minerals that trigger hypertension.

In addition, potassium lowers pressure on blood vessels so that hypertension is reduced.

However, too much potassium can actually cause blood pressure to drop dramatically. This makes you experience:

1. Dizzy,
2. tired,
3. nauseous,
4. blurred vision, and
5. faint.

In more severe cases, low blood pressure causes confusion, chills, and a weak heartbeat.

Also keep in mind, coconut water is not a natural remedy for hypertension even though it is high in potassium.

3. Liver damage

In addition, drinking coconut water after taking paracetamol for fever is also not recommended.

Research on rats published by Biochemistry (2005) states that coconut water can increase the risk of liver damage due to paracetamol.

This is because the electrolyte content in coconut water can increase the absorption of paracetamol in the body.

Therefore, liver damage due to side effects of paracetamol is also possible. This damage may be similar to the side effects of herbal medicine.

Even so, this study explains that this risk arises when paracetamol is consumed in high doses.

Is it permissible to take medicine after drinking coconut water?

When you want to take medicine, it is advisable to wait 1-2 hours after drinking coconut water. Why is that?

Within that time frame, the stomach is empty so it doesn’t affect the performance of the medicine you are taking.

Taking medicine after drinking coconut water might inhibit the absorption of the drug so that it no longer works effectively.

In addition, coconut water can interact with some drugs, such as drugs for hypertension.

Based on the explanation above, potassium levels in the body can increase.

How to drink coconut water when sick?

You can drink coconut water when you have a fever, after vomiting or diarrhea. Coconut water maintains fluid levels so that the body can control the temperature better.

Water intake is also needed to keep the nose and mouth moist. This helps prevent germs from infecting your body that can give you a fever.

In addition, vomiting and diarrhea deprive the body of electrolytes and coconut water is beneficial to restore them.

Make sure you drink pure coconut water without added sugar, syrup or ice. Excess sugar intake can exacerbate inflammation, increase blood pressure, and blood sugar.

Meanwhile, drinking ice when sick can increase the risk of tonsillitis, thereby slowing down healing.

Drink coconut water when you have a fever or symptoms that cause dehydration. You need to remember that coconut water is not a herbal medicine even though it can restore lost electrolytes.

Drinking coconut water after taking medicine should wait for 1-2 hours. This is to prevent interactions between coconut water and drugs.

Drug interactions can reduce the efficacy of drugs to increase side effects.

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