Know Various Benefits of Red Ginger for Health

Not only used as a spice in the kitchen, ginger has long been believed to be a traditional medicine. Apart from white ginger which is easy to find in the market, there is also red ginger which offers a myriad of health benefits.

What are the differences in the properties of red ginger and white ginger? Then, what’s the best way to consume it? Check out the following answers.

The difference between red ginger and white ginger

Red ginger or Zingiber officinale var Rubrum rhizoma is also known as sunti ginger, while white ginger is better known as elephant ginger or rhinoceros ginger.

Apart from the color, red and white ginger have differences in shape and taste.

1. Shape and size

Here are the differences in shape and size of red and white ginger.

1. Red ginger: short, small rhizomes, the segments tend to be flat, and not too fluffy.
2. White ginger: long, big and fat rhizome, and more expandable.

2. Taste

If you taste red and white ginger, you can find the difference as follows.

1. Red ginger: more bitter and spicy because it contains more essential oils than other varieties of ginger.
2. White ginger: spicy taste is not as strong as red ginger.

Compared to white ginger, red ginger also has a longer harvest time.

Benefits of red ginger for health

The presence of flavonoids, gingerols, as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances in red ginger is one of the reasons why this spice is widely used for health.

Here are some of the benefits of red ginger that you can get as long as it is processed properly and not excessively.

1. Prevent digestive disorders

Many people consume ginger to treat diarrhea. This is because red ginger oil extract is believed to protect the digestive system from bacterial infections that cause diarrhea.

Antibacterial compounds in red ginger can help fight bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella enteritidis, and Staphylococcus aureus.

Red ginger which is added to food can also be used as a natural preservative so that it prevents you from food poisoning due to bacteria.

Plus, the warm feeling you get from processed red ginger can also make your stomach feel comfortable. This warm sensation can also relieve colds and flu.

2. Reduce muscle and joint pain

You don’t need to always mix it in food or drink, red ginger can also provide benefits by being used as a warm compress.

Efficacy has been discussed in a study published in the East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (2022).

In that study, giving red ginger warm compresses could relieve muscle and joint pain in people with osteoarthritis after being given it for six consecutive days.

The benefits of ginger for reducing muscle pain are obtained from its gingerol content. At high temperatures, gingerol will provide a warming effect that is strong enough to relieve pain.

3. Helps increase male fertility

Based on research conducted by the University of Lampung, giving red ginger which has been extracted with ethanol can increase the number of spermatocytes and spermatids in male rats.

The study was conducted by giving 18 mg/ml of red ginger extract to male rats for 35 consecutive days.

Although further research is needed in humans, it’s no wonder that many people think that red ginger can increase male fertility.

In addition, the aphrodisiac effect of red ginger essential oil is also believed to stimulate male sexual power by increasing blood flow around the genitals.

4. Lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels

Red ginger has long been believed to have antihypercholesterolemic properties, which means it can prevent blood cholesterol from rising.

Consumption of ginger allegedly can reduce LDL (bad fat) and triglycerides. This decrease in numbers is even accompanied by an increase in HDL (good fat).

In addition, the gingerol content in red ginger can also increase insulin production so that blood sugar levels can be more controlled.

With that in mind, it is not surprising that red ginger is often added to herbal medicines for diabetes.

5. Helps reduce uric acid

The buildup of uric acid crystals can cause inflammation in the joints of the body, especially in the toes and knees.

Red ginger turns out to have the potential to reduce inflammation in the joints as well as get rid of uric acid deposits so that blood circulation becomes smoother.

In addition, red ginger can also reduce levels of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, two compounds that cause pain and swelling.

6. Potentially preventing premature aging

With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative properties, red ginger is known to provide anti-aging effects.

Exposure to free radicals that make the skin dull quickly and look old can be prevented by the antioxidant content in red ginger.

Even so, the benefits of red ginger water to prevent premature aging still need further research.

7. Increase immunity

The content of gingerol, school, and other antioxidants in red ginger makes this one spice increase your immune system.

In addition, red ginger is also rich in vitamins A, E, C, selenium, iron and zinc. Thanks to these ingredients, ginger is widely used as a spice to strengthen immunity.

Not to forget, red ginger also has anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing properties. Both conditions are common symptoms when the immune system is deteriorating.

8. Prevent bacterial and viral infections

The next benefit of red ginger for health is to prevent bacterial and viral infections.

The gingerol content in red ginger is believed to be able to ward off various bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Shigella.

Red ginger is also often used as a natural virus antidote. Therefore, it is not surprising that a few years ago, many consumed ginger to prevent contracting COVID-19.

9. Relieves morning sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most common complaints of pregnant women. This condition is usually characterized by nausea and vomiting in the morning.

Well, the consumption of red ginger can be one solution. The content of zingiberene, curcumin, and gingerol in this rhizome is believed to help overcome these complaints.

Usually, red ginger is safe to eat in the form of a decoction. Even so, talk to your doctor first before you take this herbal medicine while pregnant.

10. Relieves pain during menstruation

For those of you who often feel pain during menstruation, drinking red ginger boiled water might be one of the solutions.

The anti-inflammatory properties of red ginger are believed to inhibit the production of prostaglandins. That way, uterine muscle contractions when releasing menstrual blood can be more controlled.

To get maximum results, you can consume boiled ginger water at the beginning of the menstrual period.

Tips for choosing a good red ginger

To get optimal benefits, make sure you choose red ginger with good quality. Here are some of the characteristics of quality red ginger.

1. Leather is glossy and finely textured. Avoid wrinkled skin as it means the ginger is no longer fresh.
2. The flesh is thick and feels heavy.
3. Has a distinctive spicy aroma.

To maintain freshness, store red ginger in the refrigerator or an airtight place.

Red ginger side effects

Even though it contains various health benefits, you are not advised to consume red ginger or other varieties of ginger excessively.

The following are just side effects of using red ginger in general, everyone may experience different conditions.

1. Stomach ache.
2. Flatulence.
3. Stomach upset.
4. Diarrhea.

In addition, red ginger is not recommended for those of you who are taking blood thinners .

Always consult your doctor if you want to take herbal medicines together with medical drugs.

How to consume red ginger

There are various ways to get the benefits of red ginger for health.

So far, you may have unknowingly felt the benefits of red ginger through rounds. The reason is, one of the main ingredients of the round sauce is red ginger stew.

Apart from making it as a drink like ronde, you can also use it as an ingredient for warm compresses.

Red ginger has also been widely processed into extracts that are sold in supplement form. That way, you can immediately buy supplements containing red ginger at the pharmacy.

Know All about red ginger

1. Compared to white ginger, red ginger has a smaller size, a spicier taste, and a longer harvest time.
2. Has benefits for preventing digestive disorders, overcoming pain, increasing male fertility, and reducing uric acid.
3. Not recommended for those of you who are taking blood thinners.

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