Gluten Intolerance Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Gluten Intolerance Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Gluten intolerance is not a common condition. Some people equate this condition with allergies. But actually, this is a condition where a person is sensitive to gluten – and not allergic at all.

In fact, gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, ryebarleyoats, and several types of flour that are often used to make food. When mixed with water, these gluten-containing products form a glue-like texture. In English, glue is called glue. This is where the word gluten comes from.

In the medical world, people who are sensitive to gluten are called gluten intolerance. There are four conditions in which a person will experience health problems if he eats foods that contain gluten:

  • Celiac disease

In people with celiac disease, when gluten enters the small intestine, the wall of the small intestine becomes partially damaged and can no longer digest food optimally. 

This condition can be identified from several signs. Bloating and diarrhea are one of the characteristics experienced by sufferers.

  • Non-celiac gluten sensitivity

In non-celiac gluten sensitivity, symptoms will usually appear when consuming gluten. However, when the examination was carried out, no abnormalities were found in the intestinal structure.

  • Dermatitis herpetiformis

In dermatitis herpetiformis, the symptoms that appear are more likely to be skin disorders. One of them is the appearance of reddish lentils.

  • Gluten ataxia

In gluten ataxia, consumption of gluten will result in nervous disorders.

The four conditions above will make a person experience health problems when consuming gluten.


Symptoms that will generally arise when a person experiences gluten intolerance are:

  • Bloating
  • Mild abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Nauseous vomit

Although rare, headaches, cramps, muscle or bone pain can also occur after someone with gluten intolerance eats foods that contain gluten.


So far, no definite cause has been found that makes a person experience gluten intolerance. 


Basically, so far there is no specific test that can confirm someone’s intolerance to gluten. The diagnosis can only be established by a medical interview. In addition, observation is also needed to see whether there is an improvement in the condition if gluten-containing foods have been removed from the daily menu.

However, if celiac disease is suspected as the background, then a series of tests can be carried out. Starting from antibody tests to small intestinal biopsies, it can be done to see whether there are abnormalities that occur when the body is exposed to gluten.


The only possible treatment for gluten intolerance is to avoid foods that contain gluten-containing ingredients. Gluten itself hides a lot in foodstuffs that basically contain flour or cereals such as wheat, oats, rye, and barley

So someone who has an intolerance to gluten should avoid these various ingredients. Instead, choose ingredients that are safe and gluten-free. The good news, now there are many foodstuffs with labels that include ‘ gluten-free ‘. This label indicates that the food is safe for consumption by those with gluten intolerance.


If left untreated, lactose intolerance can lead to a variety of more serious conditions. In children, lactose intolerance can result in non-optimal absorption of nutrients which can lead to a child’s lack of nutrition and failure to thrive. In adults, not optimal absorption of these nutrients can have an impact on decreasing the body’s energy reserves, weakness easily to psychological stress due to complaints that do not improve.


Because the cause is not known for certain, there is no specific prevention that can be done to avoid the risk of gluten intolerance. In someone who has been diagnosed with gluten intolerance, avoiding foods and drinks that contain gluten is mandatory to prevent various complications that may occur.

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