Nummular Dermatitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Nummular Dermatitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Nummular dermatitis is a rare skin condition characterized by coin-shaped patches on the skin. This disease is generally a long-term condition that can last up to several years. Although the cause of nummular dermatitis is not known with certainty, this skin condition is commonly observed in individuals who have a history of allergies, asthma, or atopic dermatitis.

Nummular dermatitis often results from an injury to the skin, such as a burn, scratch, or insect bite. This condition may cause one or more spots with coin-shaped lesions, which may last for several months. Nummular dermatitis is more common in men than women.


Spots on the skin that arise in nummular dermatitis generally start with small red spots and sores that resemble blisters and ooze fluid. These sores can grow and resemble coin-shaped spots.

The hallmark of nummular dermatitis is coin-shaped lesions on the skin. These complaints are most often observed in the arms or legs but can spread to the trunk and hands. The color of the lesions can be brown, pink, or red.

Occasionally, the lesions may be accompanied by itching or burning or may ooze and be accompanied by crusting. The skin around the lesion may also become red, crusted, or inflamed.


The cause of nummular dermatitis is not known with certainty. However, many people with nummular dermatitis have a history of allergies, asthma, or atopic dermatitis, or a family history of these conditions. People with nummular dermatitis also generally have sensitive skin and are easily irritated.

Several factors are also thought to contribute to the emergence of nummular dermatitides, such as:

1. Temperature changes
2. stress
3. Dry skin
4. Environmental irritants, such as soap, iron, and certain chemicals


The diagnosis of nummular dermatitis can be determined from a detailed medical interview, direct physical examination, and supporting examinations if needed. If the doctor suspects the lesions are due to an allergic reaction, an allergy test can also be done.


The signs and symptoms associated with nummular dermatitis can be difficult to treat. For this reason, sufferers are advised to consult a dermatologist and genital specialist.

Treatment for nummular dermatitis includes:

  • Protects skin from scratches, tears or cuts. Injuries to the skin can exacerbate complaints from nummular dermatitis.
  • Maintain skin hydration status. This can be done by soaking or bathing in warm water for at least 20 minutes, at least once a day.
    Within about 3 minutes of showering, apply a moisturizer to the skin. The goal is to keep the skin from drying out and overcome itching and crusting on the skin.
  • Use medication according to the doctor’s advice. Medications that can be prescribed for nummular dermatitis include certain creams as well as anti-inflammatory ointments.
    This can treat inflammation (redness and swelling) as well as itching. If it is also assessed that there is a bacterial infection of the skin, the doctor can also prescribe antibiotics.


To prevent nummular dermatitis, several things that can be done are:

  • Using a moisturizer. Use a moisturizer at least once a day, and the best time is when the skin is not dry.
  • Avoid activities that cause skin complaints. Things that can cause the skin to become dry or irritated can increase the likelihood of experiencing skin complaints. To prevent complaints, you can take a warm bath or shower for 20 minutes.
  • Use a cleanser suitable for the skin. Use a type of skin cleanser or soap that does not contain irritating ingredients.
  • Use a type of clothing that is not irritating to the skin. Skin irritation is less likely from clothing when wearing loose clothing. Also, avoid using rough materials, such as wool, which can cause skin irritation.

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