Fever In Children Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Fever In Children Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Fever in children is an increase in the child’s body temperature which is above normal. The normal rectal (anal) temperature in children younger than 3 years is 38°C, and the normal temperature in the mouth is 37.5°C.

In children over 3 years of age, the oral temperature is 37.2°C and the normal rectal temperature is 37.8°C. Fever is generally not an emergency unless the body temperature is ≥ 41 °C.


Fever is not a disease, but a symptom of a health problem or infection. Therefore, if a child has a fever, it is necessary to investigate whether he has other supporting symptoms.

Some of the symptoms to pay attention to are coughing, shortness of breath, and diarrhea. If there are these symptoms, this could be what causes fever in children.


Diagnosis of fever is done by measuring the child’s body. Body temperature measurement can be done in three places, namely rectal (anus), axillary (armpit), and oral (mouth). Each of these areas has normal body temperature limits.

Fever can be caused by many things, one of the most common is infection. Respiratory tract or digestive tract infection needs to be investigated in a child with a fever. Meanwhile, non-infectious fever triggers include fluid deficiency and autoimmune disorders.


Initial treatment of fever includes the administration of antipyretics (fever reducers). The purpose of giving fever-reducing drugs is to make the child comfortable as well as function as painkillers.

Commonly used fever-reducing drugs in children with fever are paracetamol and ibuprofen.

In addition to administering febrifuge, children also need to get medication depending on the cause of the child’s fever. For example, treatment for respiratory infections or diarrhea.


Prevention of fever in children is to keep the child healthy. Take care of the child’s immune system by providing nutritious food, bathing regularly, and cleaning children’s hands regularly. Also, avoid children from exposure to other children who are sick. These various things can reduce the incidence of infection in children.

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