Atopic Dermatitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a condition that causes red, itchy, dry, and cracked skin. This inflammatory condition can last a long time, even for years.

Atopic dermatitis often appears on areas of the skin that have folds. Like on the forehead on the face, the area around the eyes and ears, the sides of the neck, the inside of the elbows, the back of the knees, and the area around the groin.

Sometimes atopic dermatitis can also be followed by other allergic diseases. Atopic dermatitis is more common in infants and children. However, this condition can also occur in adults.


The following causes of atopic dermatitis:

  • Foods, such as: milk, fish, eggs, oranges, nuts, and wheat.
  • Non-food allergens, such as: dust, detergents, soaps, and perfumes.
  • stress.
  • Emotional disturbances.
  • Extreme temperatures, such as: cold weather with low humidity and dry air.


The most recognizable signs and symptoms of atopic dermatitis are intense itching. The itching sensation will usually be worse at night. Sometimes it interferes with the sleep quality of the sufferer.

As the itching gets worse, it may be difficult for you to resist the urge to scratch. The problem is, scratching can make your condition worse. The skin may bleed from scratching, itches more and more, and a secondary infection occurs.

Apart from itching, there are other signs that you can recognize, such as:

  • Reddish or brown skin.
  • The appearance of small bumps filled with fluid.
  • Over a long period of time, the skin will become thick, cracked, scaly, and rough.

Although it appears more often on areas of the skin that have folds, atopic dermatitis can actually appear on the entire surface of the skin.


Atopic dermatitis can cause complications, such as:

  • Chronic itching that causes scaly skin. A skin condition called neurodermatitis begins with patches of itchy skin.
  • Skin infection. Repeated scratching of the skin can cause open sores. This increases the risk of infection from bacteria and viruses, including the herpes simplex virus.
  • Eye problems. Symptoms of eye complications include an itching around the eyelids, inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), and inflammation of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis).
  • Irritant dermatitis. This especially affects people whose jobs require that their hands are frequently wet and exposed to harsh soaps, detergents, and disinfectants.
  • Sleep problems. The itch cycle can cause you to wake up again and again. In the end, this will reduce the quality of your sleep.
  • Behavioral problems. Studies show a link between atopic dermatitis and attention-deficit disorder or hyperactivity disorder, especially if the child also loses sleep.


The process of diagnosing atopic dermatitis can be done by a doctor by gathering information. The doctor will ask a number of things, such as medical history and scratching habits (pruritus).


Treatment of atopic dermatitis focuses on precipitating factors, including food allergens. Usually, the doctor will give an allergy that has a drowsy effect to relieve itching at night. However, if there are respiratory symptoms, then you need an allergy that doesn’t have a drowsy effect.

Antibiotics will be given if there are other diseases that accompany atopic dermatitis. To prevent dry skin, stay hydrated and use emollients. Also, avoid using alkaline soap. If your skin allergy is severe enough, you may need local corticosteroids by injection.


You can do several things to prevent atopic dermatitis from recurring. One of the main things is to avoid trigger factors. If the trigger allergy is dust, avoid dust. If the trigger is milk, avoid all foods and drinks that contain milk. Doing some of the following can also help you:

  • Clean bedding regularly. Change sheets and pillowcases at least once every 2 weeks.
  • Use blankets when you sleep, especially if you can’t stand the cold.
  • Clean the house regularly.

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