Spinal Nerve Injury Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Spinal Nerve Injury Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Spinal cord injury is an injury that occurs in parts of the spinal cord which results in a change in the function of the spinal cord in carrying out its duties, whether in motor, sensory or autonomic functions. This change can be temporary or permanent.

The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system. This nerve is an extension of the brain and functions to send signals to all parts of the body to carry out various functions.

These nerves are protected by the spine (vertebrae). There are 31 spinal nerves, which are divided into:

  • Cervical, located in the neck area and consists of eight segments (C1-C8)
  • Thoracic, located below the cervical, consists of T1-T12
  • The Lumbar, located below the thoracic, consists of L1-L5
  • The Sacral, located below the lumbar, consists of S1-S5
  • The coccygeal, located beneath the sacral, consists of a single segment of the spinal cord


Spinal cord injuries can be caused by several things, such as:

  • trauma (traffic accidents, falls, osteoporosis-related spinal fractures, sports accidents)
  • vascular (blood vessel) disorders
  • tumor
  • infection
  • spondylosis
  • iatrogenic, e.g. injection into the spine


Common symptoms due to spinal cord injuries include:

  • varying degrees of paralysis, such as tetraplegia or paraplegia
  • difficulty breathing
  • problems with urination and defecation
  • chronic pain
  • headache
  • changes in mood or personality
  • changes in libido or sexual function
  • changes in sensation (numbness, tingling)


The experts will carry out various examinations to determine whether there has been a spinal cord injury. Examinations carried out include:

  • clinical evaluation, namely examination based on the symptoms experienced and physical examination (such as tests of muscle strength, body sensors that are felt or not felt, and so on)
  • imaging, which is in the form of an MRI or other imaging examination to assess the spinal cord, spine, and brain


Treatment for spinal cord injuries includes:

  • Before being taken to the hospital, it is very important to provide proper assistance to someone who may have experienced trauma and spinal cord injuries. Those with trauma should receive spinal stabilization and immobilization. Avoid moving trauma patients (eg moving accident patients) carelessly.
  • Spinal trauma emergency care:
    • keep the airway open
    • prevent hypotension, which can be caused by bleeding or neurogenic shock
    • head injury evaluation
    • prevent decubitus ulcers, by moving the patient every 1-2 hours
    • insertion of a tube for feeding (NGT) or breathing (with intubation)
  • Steroids may be considered
  • surgery for decompression can be done in cases of pressure on the spinal cord
  • physiotherapy and rehabilitation


Injuries to the spinal cord which are generally caused by trauma or infection and tumors are difficult to predict or simply prevent. Be careful when doing activities or sports, and using standard safety equipment that has been determined is a basic recommendation to minimize the risk of an accident.

Likewise for the elderly who are at risk of osteoporosis. Being careful and avoiding unusual and sudden activities can help a lot.

Bone density checks may be needed to prevent fractures or fractures. Infections and tumors are not problems that can be prevented easily. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and carrying out periodic health checks can help to detect problems as early as possible.

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