Can Diabetes Patients Consume Apricots – way of eating and side effects?

Apricot or apricot is seen as a healthy fruit that has a warming effect. It is sweet in taste and resembles peach or peach. Now the question arises whether diabetic patients can consume Khumani or Khubani. This fruit is an excellent part of the dry fruit family in terms of its nutrition.

Dry fruits like apricots, dates and raisins are seen as good food options to include in a healthy diabetic diet. Diabetic people are mostly worried about which fruits to include in their diet considering their sugar levels. However, most fruits have a low GI score and at the same time, dry fruits also have a low GI value.

Therefore, they do not raise glucose levels to a great extent. To keep your glucose levels low, by substituting high GI foods, Dry fruits can be consumed in their place as low GI food. So we can say that apricot is good for diabetes. Let’s know more features of apricot:


1. What are Khubani aka Khumani?
2. Nutritional Facts of Apricots
3. What is the glycemic index?
3.1 Glycemic Index of Apricots (Khumani)
4. Health Benefits of Apricots (Khumani)
4.1 rich in antioxidants
4.2 Beneficial for gut health
4.3 beneficial for eye health
4.4 good hydrating power
4.5 rich in potassium
4.6 hepato-protectant
4.7 Improves Skin Health
4.8 effect of fiber
4.9 Vitamin E
5. Easy to include in diet
6. Consuming more apricots (Khumani)
7. Benefits and side-effects of apricots
8. FAQs:
8.1 Are apricots rich in carbohydrates and sugar?
8.2 How Many Dried Apricots Are Safe to Eat in a Day?
8.3 What is the glycemic index of Khumani?
8.4 When is the best time to eat apricots?

What are Khubani aka Khumani?

Apricot (Prunus armeniaca) is a stone fruit. It is also called Khumani. Apricots are round and yellow in colour. They look like mini versions of peaches. This fruit is highly nutritious and packed with many health benefits like eye health and better gut health. In dried form, apricots make a perfect snack. A good amount of natural sugar is found in this fruit and we can call it a very healthy food. Fresh apricots have a lovely sweet flavour.

Nutritional Facts of Apricots

Apricot (khumani) is a very healthy dry fruit. It also contains many vitamins and minerals. Following are the nutrients present in 70 grams of apricots i.e. about two fresh apricots:

1. Carbohydrates: 8 grams
2. Fiber: 1.5 grams
3. Protein: 1 gram
4. Fat: 0.27 grams
5. Calories: 34
6. Vitamin A: 8% of the RDI
7. Vitamin C: 8% of the RDI
8. Potassium: 4% of the RDI
9. Vitamin E: 4% of the RDI

In addition, apricots are a good source of lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, etc. These are all effective antioxidants that help in fighting free radicals in a person’s body which protect the body from many serious diseases. People should enjoy fresh apricots whole and without skin. Apricot skin contains a huge amount of nutrients and fiber. Be sure to remove the stone or kernel present in the middle because it is not tasty and edible.


Apricots are low in calories and fat. Dry fruits are also a rich source of vitamins A, E, D, and C. Apricot has a very sweet and mild taste. The nutrients they contain make them an excellent part of an ideal diet for diabetes. Nutrients such as beneficial potassium, copper and manganese are also found in apricots. Also, apricots satisfy your sweet cravings without increasing glucose levels unlike sugary, processed and carb-laden sweets. The low GI and nutrients of apricots help in better diabetes control, which proves that apricots are good for diabetes.

What is the glycemic index?

GI is a ranking scale of carbs in food products. This is determined by how they affect blood sugar. Foods with high GI (more than 55) can prove to be harmful for blood sugar levels. Instead, foods with a low GI release sugar slowly into the body, which does not cause a sudden spike in glucose levels.

Glycemic Index Of Apricots (Khumani)

Are apricots good for diabetes? The GI score of fresh apricots is 34. These fall under the category of foods with a low glycemic index. Dried apricots have an even lower glycemic index of 30, making them a low-glycemic fruit.

This means that both fresh apricots and dried apricots have a better effect on post-meal blood sugar levels than foods with a higher GI. If a person has difficulty with blood sugar control, consuming low GI foods with their meals is beneficial for overall health. Therefore, it is a very good idea to include low-sugar fresh or dried apricot fruit in a diabetic diet.

Here is a list of the top low-GI fruits and foods that a person can include in their diabetic diet:

1. Masur lentils
2. tomato
3. Rahila
4. the beans
5. Sweet potato
6. Pea
7. Oat
8. corn cob
9. carrot
10. Quinoa

Health Benefits of Apricots (Khumani)

Rich In Antioxidants

Apricots are an important source of antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E and beta-carotene. In addition, they contain a rich amount of polyphenol antioxidants called flavonoids. They protect the body from various diseases like heart problems and diabetes.

The major flavonoids in this dried fruit include quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and catechins. These flavonoids work by neutralizing free radicals. These are harmful compounds that damage the cells of the body and result in oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is associated with a variety of chronic problems, such as heart disease.

High intake of flavonoids and anthocyanins reduce inflammation, which also reduces the risk of many health problems. Also, the high flavonoid content reduces oxidative stress.


Apricots contain many antioxidants, mostly flavonoids. They help protect the body from oxidative stress associated with many chronic diseases, making apricots a perfect and healthy food for diabetes.

Beneficial For Gut Health

Apricots are good for digestive health. About 1 cup (165 grams) of sliced ​​apricots provides about 3 grams of fiber. Apricots contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble type is soluble in water and includes gums, pectins, and polysaccharides. And, the insoluble type is not soluble in water and includes lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose.

Apricots are especially rich in soluble fiber. It is important for maintaining healthy levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. In addition, fiber allows for a slower passage of food through the gut which is better for the good gut bacteria. Healthy gut microbiome reduces the risk of obesity. One apricot (about 35 grams) contains only 0.7 grams of fiber. Therefore, some can be easily consumed.


Apricot is a dry fruit and a good source of soluble fiber. These fibers are good for healthy digestive bacteria which improves gut health.

Beneficial For Eye Health

Apricots contain several compounds that are important for eye health. These are vitamins A and E. Vitamin A prevents eye problems like night blindness in which there is a lack of light pigments. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects the eyes from harmful free radicals.

In addition, beta-carotene imparts a yellow-orange color to apricots. It serves as a precursor to vitamin A, indicating that a person’s body can convert it into this vitamin. Other important carotenoids present in apricots are lutein and zeaxanthin. These are present in the lens and retina of the eye. And, carotenoids help protect against oxidative stress.


Apricots are a significant source of zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamins E, and C. These nutrients help in improving the health of the eyes and protect them from any damage.

Good Hydrating Power

Like many fruits, apricots naturally have a high water content. It helps control blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and joint health. One cup (165 grams) of fresh, sliced ​​apricots yields about 2/3 cup (142 ml) of water.

Many people these days do not drink enough water. For them, consuming fresh apricots can help them meet their daily requirements. If a person is deficient in water, then his blood volume decreases. This forces the heart to work harder to pump blood. In addition, drinking enough water helps transport nutrients throughout the body and flush out waste products.

Additionally, consuming apricots may be a simple way to replenish both water and electrolyte losses after exercise. Since apricots provide excellent amounts of water and potassium, it can be said that apricots are good for diabetes.


Apricots are high in water content which is important to stay hydrated. Blood pressure (blood pressure) and heart rate remain good by drinking water well.

Rich In Potassium

Apricots are rich in potassium. It is a mineral that acts as an electrolyte. In a person’s body, it is useful for sending nerve signals, and controlling fluid balance and muscle contractions. About 2 apricots (70 grams) provide 180 milligrams of potassium.

Potassium works together with sodium to maintain fluid balance. Adequate intake may help prevent inflammation and maintain healthy blood pressure.


Potassium helps with fluid balance, the sending of nerve signals, and muscle contraction. Consuming potassium-rich foods like apricots prevents high blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of stroke.


Apricots are helpful in protecting the liver from oxidative stress. In 2 animal studies, when rats were given alcohol with apricots, they showed a decrease in liver enzymes and inflammation markers compared to those who drank only alcohol (with no apricots). This proves that the high antioxidant content in apricots can help prevent liver damage. However, it still needs further study.

Improves Skin Health

Eating apricots benefits a person’s skin or skin health. Many environmental factors lead to skin damage and wrinkles. These reasons are pollution, sunlight and cigarette smoke. In addition, studies show that there is a direct link between sunburn, exposure to UV light and melanoma, a deadly type of skin cancer.

As a good diet rich in antioxidants, apricots protect the skin from many such damages. Vitamin E and C are present in this dry fruit. These vitamins help protect the skin. Specifically, vitamin C protects the body from UV damage and environmental pollutants by scavenging free radicals.

In addition, this vitamin aids in the formation of collagen. It makes the skin flexible and strong. Eating foods rich in vitamin C helps protect the skin from UV damage and prevents wrinkles. Beta carotene is another nutrient found in apricots. It helps in preventing sunburn. Consuming apricots along with using sunscreen can provide additional protection.


Apricots are rich in antioxidants. They protect the body from environmental damage caused by pollution, sunlight or smoke. These compounds are helpful for skin health as they reduce the risk of sunburn and wrinkles.

Effect Of Fiber

Are dried apricots good for diabetics? The fiber present in apricots has a positive effect on blood sugar levels. Dietary fiber or dietary fiber releases glucose slowly in the blood and digests food slowly, so that the sugar level does not increase suddenly in the body. In addition, it helps improve the body’s ability to respond to insulin, thereby aiding in blood sugar control.

One cup of chopped fresh apricots contains 3 grams of dietary fiber. Plus, ½ cup of dried apricots contains 4.7 grams of fiber. One serving of dried apricots provides about 18% of the daily fiber needs for women and 12% for men, making apricots a good source of fiber for diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E present in dried and fresh apricots enhances their effect on blood sugar. Vitamin E acts as a powerful antioxidant. In addition, antioxidant-rich foods help improve glucose levels in type 2 diabetes patients. Consuming ½ cup of dried apricots increases vitamin E intake by 3mg and provides 19% of the daily requirement. One cup of freshly sliced ​​apricots provides 1.5 mg of vitamin E, or 10% of the daily requirement.

Easy to include in diet

Both dried and fresh forms of apricots are easy, instant, and great snacks. People can include apricots in their diet in many ways, such as:

eating fresh apricots as a snack
Mixing into Granola or Trail Mix
including desserts such as cakes, or pastries
As slices in yogurt or salads
Stew in a cooker with chicken or beef
To use in salsas, jams, or preserves
Because apricots are sweet and tart, they can take the place of plums or peaches in many recipes.

Consuming more apricots (Khumani)

Are dry fruits good for diabetics? Dried apricots make a great filling snack and work well when used with nuts and seeds. It makes a great homemade trail mix. In addition, chopped dried apricots are great fruit for salads.

People commonly combine chopped dried apricots, quinoa, green onions, fresh mint and orange juice as a high-fiber salad. It helps in controlling the blood sugar level. People can eat it in fresh form or slice it thinly and have it with toast. Due to its many such properties, apricot-like other dry fruits is considered good for diabetes.


Apricots are delicious dried fruits that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. They bring many benefits, such as better digestion, skin and eye health. Fresh or dried apricots are easy to add to salads, yogurt, or with main meals. This is another great option to add to your diet for someone who eats peaches and plums.

Benefits and side-effects of apricots

Although there are no special disadvantages of eating apricots, but its allergy can be seen in some people. People who are sulfur-sensitive should avoid apricots because dried apricots contain significant amounts of sulfur. This sulfur can cause asthma attacks. Also, raw apricots can cause stomach upset.


1. Are apricots rich in carbohydrates and sugar?
Ans: One fresh apricot contains about 4 grams of carbs, with less than 1 gram of fiber and more than 3 grams of naturally occurring sugar. Dried apricots contain more natural sugar. Also, in processed form it can contain added sugar so it is always better to read the food label.

2. How Many Dried Apricots Are Safe to Eat in a Day?
Ans: Although there is no recommended intake of dried apricots for a day, a good serving can include about 8 halved slices to 5 apricots per day. This dosage can be different according to the preference and requirement of the individual.

3. What is the glycemic index of Khumani?
Ans: With a GI score of 34, fresh apricots come under low GI food. Dried apricots have an even lower glycemic index of 30.

4. When is the best time to eat apricots?
Ans: The dietary fiber present in apricots helps in improving the health of the gut. It helps in increasing your metabolism. Also, if you are following a diet plan then it is suggested to have some apricots as a snack.


The information included at this site is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment by a healthcare professional. Because of unique individual needs, the reader should consult their physician to determine the appropriateness of the information for the reader’s situation.


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