Five Ways to Deal with Cat Poisoning Properly and Safely

Cat hunting instincts sometimes make this one animal curious about many things. There’s nothing that catches his attention. Even objects that may be harmful to the anabul. Sometimes, unsupervised exploration allows cats to interact with compounds that are toxic to them.

Without the owner knowing, objects around can be dangerous for cats. Then, what are the signs and how to deal with cat poisoning? Let’s discuss it together with IDN Times!

Toxic substances for cats

When fun to play, especially outdoors, cats may find a spot that makes them curious. It could be a chemical can or leftover food that is toxic. In fact, certain plants can also trigger poisoning in anabul.

As reported by Animal How Stuff Works, caustic or flammable objects can be toxic to cats, including battery acid, alkali, oven cleaner, to gasoline. Processed petroleum, such as paint solvents and waxes are also the same.

More specifically, as reported by the Daily Paws, you can categorize several types of poison for cats according to their use, which are as follows:

Household necessities: bleach, laundry detergent, and other washing necessities can cause digestive problems, vomiting, and pain
Human medicine: there is Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and NSAIDs such as aspirin or ibuprofen. This can damage the cat’s red blood cells and kidneys, which in turn causes ulcers in the digestive tract
Plants: lilies, azaleas, and rhododendrons in small amounts can have serious side effects for cats, from severe kidney failure to death.
Human food: various types of onions can cause damage to red blood cells and cause anemia; grapes and raisins have side effects of vomiting, diarrhea, and even kidney failure; chocolate causes tremors, fast heartbeat, to seizures; and alcohol which can cause death.
For a more complete list of toxic substances for cats, you can check the ASPCA Animal Poison Center page at

If you already know, of course you can keep the enable away from the risk of poisoning. Be careful if you put rat poison in your home when you have a cat. One of them is the enable at home or around that eats your bait. Wow, clearly dangerous!

Symptoms of cat poisoning

When a cat is playing and accidentally drops a used petrol can or something, it could be splashed or spilled on his fur and nails. Well, because cats are used to licking their bodies, this can be dangerous. Because anabul may ingest the toxic substance.

In addition, cats may inhale or ingest hazardous materials while playing. Well, after the toxic substance reacts, the cat will begin to experience symptoms of poisoning.

The signs that appear can be different, depending on the compound and the action; whether the venom is inhaled, ingested, or in contact with the fur and claws of the anabul. However, several indicators from Dunnell on Animal Hospital can be clues that a cat is poisoned, namely:

1. Salivating
2. Cough
3. Diarrhea and vomiting
4. Seizures
5. Difficulty breathing
6. Come on
7. Inflammation or swelling of the skin
8. Stomach ache
9. Shock or collapse
10. Unsteady or doing
11. Lethargy (weak body, lack of enthusiasm for activities, sleep more, and if awakened will fall asleep again)
12. Excessive drinking and urination
13. Jaundice
14. Irregular heartbeat
15. Fever
16. Loss of appetite

How to deal with poisoned cats

When you find signs of cat poisoning, immediately help Anabul get help. The faster, the better, yes! Look around the cat playground, to find out what causes anabul poisoning. That way, you can give the right help.

Don’t wait until the side effects get worse. Because, some poisons can work directly in the blood and cause fatal consequences. As for how to deal with cat poisoning, namely:

1. Position the cat in a place near the ventilation

Make sure your cat gets enough light and air to make it easier for her to breathe. If you find any potential poison in the vicinity, get rid of it immediately.

2. Visit the vet

There’s no better way to deal with a poisoned cat than to take it to the experts. The doctor will provide treatment according to the cause.

If poison is ingested, the doctor will induce the cat to vomit by administering salt water, diluted hydrogen peroxide, or ipecac. However, not all toxic substances ingested can be expelled with vomit, such as paint thinner. If forced to vomit, the liquid actually goes into the lungs and is increasingly dangerous.

In such cases, the doctor will give activated charcoal or indosorb. Other treatments that may be given include giving ethanol (in the case of antifreeze poisoning), muscle relaxation, anti-seizure drugs, and others.

3. Give the cat plenty of water to drink

Toxins can be harmful to vital organs, such as the kidneys and heart. Give plenty of water to reduce the risk of poisoning.

4. Clean cat fur from poison

Brush or comb the cat’s fur if the venom is sprinkled. When sticky, clean with a special anti-stick soap. Cut off the poisoned part of the hair if it is difficult to clean.

5. Food supplements and supplements

After poisoning, the cat’s organs can be affected. Therefore, provide adequate nutritional intake. If necessary, add supplements such as antioxidants, liver and kidney supplements, omega-3 fatty acids, and launches 1800 Pet Meds. Use products specifically made for cats and consult a doctor before using them.

Trying the best as a way to deal with cat poisoning is necessary. This is done for the health and safety of the cat. Also, make sure not to take any steps without confirming with the experts first, okay?

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