Knowing the Degree of Burns and Treatment

The degree of burn is determined based on the depth of tissue damage caused by heat. Each degree has a different level of severity, risk, and symptoms. Therefore, it is important to determine the degree of burn injury so that this condition can be treated properly.

Burns are conditions of damage to body tissues caused by heat, for example due to water, steam, hot oil, harsh chemicals, electricity, radiation, or flammable gases.

Burned skin is usually painful and appears red, blistered, peeling, swollen, and even looks charred. The severity or degree of burns can be categorized into several levels, ranging from mild to severe.

Know the Degree of Burns and Symptoms

The degree of burns can be classified into three levels, namely grades 1, 2, and 3. Each degree of burn is assessed based on the severity and damage that occurs to the skin.

The following are the degrees of burns based on their severity:

1st-degree burn ( superficial burn )

In first-degree burns, the damage is only to the epidermis or the outer layer of skin. The characteristics caused by degree 1 burns are red, dry, and painful skin.

1st-degree burns can be caused by sun exposure. These burns are not too worrying and will heal on their own.

2nd-degree burn ( superficial partial-thickness burn )

Second-degree burns occur in the epidermis and part of the dermis (deeper layer of skin). When you have a second-degree burn, the skin is red, blistered, blistered, swollen, and causes severe pain.

Second-degree burns can occur when the skin briefly comes into contact with a hot object. These burns can be treated with several non-surgical or surgical methods of treatment, including applying an antibiotic ointment as recommended by your doctor.

3rd-degree burn ( full thickness burn )

Tissue damage in third-degree burns involves all layers of the epidermis and dermis, or deeper. Skin with a third-degree burn may appear white, but it can also look scorched, rough, and numb. Surgery or surgery is the main choice to treat this burn.

In addition to the 3 categories above, burns can also be classified into 2 groups, namely:

1. Minor burns, consisting of 1st degree burns anywhere on the body and 2nd-degree burns that are 5–7.5 cm wide
2. Major burns, consisting of third-degree burns and second-degree burns to the hands, feet, face, genitals, and other body parts with a wound width of more than 5–7.5 cm

Compared to burn grades 1 and 2, degree 3 burns are more at risk of causing complications, such as infection, blood loss, shock, and even death. Severe burns are also at risk of causing hypothermia and hypovolemia.

Treatment and Treatment Based on the Degree of Burn

Burn treatment is determined based on the type or degree of burn. The following are some steps for treating burns based on their degree:

Use of drugs

Grade 1 and 2 burns can be treated with antibiotic ointments, burn ointments containing natural ingredients, such as aloe vera, and painkillers, such as paracetamol.


3rd-degree burns require hospitalization. While in the hospital, this burn patient also received intravenous therapy to replace fluids lost when the skin was burned, as well as injections of antibiotics to prevent infection.

Patients with third-degree burns may also require skin grafting, surgery, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, or even lifelong care.

To prevent the burn from getting worse, make sure you don’t treat the burn with home remedies, such as ice, toothpaste, butter, or eggs. Also avoid sticking cotton balls to the burn, as tiny cotton fibers can stick to the wound and increase the risk of infection.

Never do home remedies for wounds with 3rd-degree burns. If you experience 2nd or 3rd-degree burns, immediately consult a doctor or the nearest hospital for proper treatment.

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