19 Low Calorie Food Choices, Keep You Full Longer

Adding low-calorie foods to your diet is the right thing, especially for dieters. The reason is, that you will feel full longer and will not be tempted to eat other foods.

Calories are a unit of measurement used to show the amount of energy released when food is digested. 

When the body releases all the calories according to the intake consumed, this can help maintain body weight. 

One way to limit calorie needs is to maintain food intake. The following is a complete list of low-calorie foods that you can consume easily:

1. Chicken Eggs

Chicken Eggs

Chicken eggs are one of the low-calorie food choices. One large egg contains about 74 calories. 

“Studies show that eating a serving of eggs in the morning can reduce hunger and keep you full longer. “Apart from that, other studies report that those who eat eggs for breakfast will feel fuller and consume 105 fewer calories later in the day,”. 

Even though they are low in calories, eggs are high in protein. This can help reduce the temptation to snack, slow stomach emptying, and reduce levels of ghrelin or the hormone responsible for hunger. That way, you will be full longer.

So, you can make eggs one of your diet menu choices. You can boil eggs so that the calories from your egg menu don’t increase!

2. Chicken breast

Chicken Breast

Chicken breast is one part of the chicken that is good for consumption. Apart from that, chicken breast is a low-calorie, high-protein, and low-fat food.

100 grams of chicken breast with the bones and skin removed contains 165 calories, 31 grams of protein, and 3.57 grams of fat.

This content is certainly a good choice for consumption, especially for someone who wants to maintain their weight.

3. Soup

Does Boiling Cause the Loss of Nutrients in Soups & Vegetables

Eating vegetable soup can provide fluid volume in the body without adding many calories. Consuming 100 grams of vegetable soup can add 27 calories to the body.

Thus, consuming vegetable soup can make you feel full longer. However, make sure not to add coconut milk, offal, or too much oil to the soup.

4. Cod


For cod fans, this is good news. Because this type of lean fish contains few calories and is high in protein, it can be added to a low-fat diet menu.

Based on the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Data Central, 85 grams of cod contains almost 60 calories and 13 grams of protein.

According to Doctor Alvin, increasing protein intake in the body can reduce appetite and reduce hormones that stimulate hunger.

5. Potatoes


Potatoes are often considered an unhealthy food, just like rice. But actually, you can eat potatoes as a diet menu, as long as they are processed properly.

In 100 grams of boiled potatoes, there are 87 calories. According to Diabetes Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, potatoes can help manage weight and reduce appetite.

However, it is recommended to consume it in boiled form. The reason is, fried potatoes certainly have a higher calorific value.

6. Apples


Apples are one of the popular fruits. The good news is, this fruit can be an alternative to provide fiber but is still low in calories.

Based on Indonesian Food Composition Data, 100 grams of apples contain 58 calories.

Because it is low in calories, of course you can add this fruit to your diet menu, OK!

7. Oat


Oats can be a low-calorie food for dieters. Apart from that, this food is also high in protein and fiber, so it can make you feel full for longer.

4 tablespoons or the equivalent of 35 grams of oats contain 140 calories.

Quoted from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, as many as 48 adults showed that eating oatmeal could increase feelings of fullness and reduce feelings of hunger.

8. Lean Meat

Lean Meat

It turns out that lean meat, such as chicken, turkey or red meat, can be used as a food choice for a diet.

100 grams of fat-free turkey contains 95 calories. Meanwhile, 100 grams of lean beef contains 137 calories.

Apart from that, lean meat also contains high protein. By consuming foods high in protein, you will stay full longer, thereby preventing snacking on unhealthy foods.

9. Shirataki


Shirataki can be used as a calorie-deficit diet menu, especially for someone who wants to lose weight.

Calories in 100 grams of shirataki rice contain 70 kcal. Whereas in 100 grams of shirataki noodles, there are 20 calories in it.

Apart from being low in calories, shirataki is also low in carbohydrates. In fact, when consuming shirataki-based foods, your blood sugar levels will not immediately spike. This means that this food has a low glycemic index, making it safe to use as a dieting choice.

10. Greek Yoghurt


This type of yoghurt is a low-calorie source of protein which is good for health.

Although the numbers vary, depending on the brand and taste, 100 grams of yoghurt contains 52 calories.

You can choose this type of yogurt to serve as a daily snack. According to the Appetite Journal, Greek yogurt can reduce hunger and keep you full longer.

11. Berries


Berries, including strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can maintain a healthy body.

Not only that, this fruit also contains low calories. For example, in 1 whole bowl of strawberries, there are 46 calories in it.

Berries are also a good source of pectin. This dietary fiber has been proven to slow stomach emptying and make you feel fuller. In fact, the Appetite Journal revealed that consuming berries as a snack can reduce calorie intake the following day.

12. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

If you are looking for a food that is low in calories but high in protein and fiber, chia seeds are the best choice that is worth trying.

One tablespoon of chia seeds or the equivalent of 15 grams contains 73 calories. Apart from that, chia seeds are also rich in soluble fiber which can increase feelings of fullness.

By adding chia seeds to your diet, this can help maintain body weight.

13. Broccoli


Broccoli is known as a green vegetable that has many health benefits. Not surprisingly, many people add broccoli to their diet.

Apart from that, broccoli also contains low calories, so it is suitable as a diet menu. A bowl of cooked broccoli contains 64 calories and 4.3 grams of protein.

Not to forget, broccoli is also a vegetable that is high in fiber. By consuming broccoli, you can maintain your weight and meet your body’s nutritional needs.

14. Carrots


Another low-calorie vegetable option is carrots. 100 grams of boiled carrots contain 28 calories. Very suitable to be added to the diet menu, isn’t it?

Apart from its sweet taste, carrots also contain high nutrients. In fact, carrots are also known to maintain healthy vision and immune function.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to add carrots to your cooking menu, okay?

15. Peas


If you are looking for a healthy snack to maintain your weight, then peas are one choice you must try.

In addition to being high in protein and fiber, these nuts are also low in calories. A bowl full of peas contains only 26 calories.

This type of nut has been proven to increase feelings of fullness and reduce appetite.

16. Kale


Kale is a green vegetable that contains many important nutrients for the body. Not only that, kale is also suitable to add to the diet menu because it has low calories, namely 50 calories per 100 grams.

Even though it has low calories, this green vegetable is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and a number of minerals that can meet daily nutritional needs.

17. Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is a delicious snack to consume every day. Apart from being high in protein, cottage cheese also turns out to be low in calories. This is certainly suitable for consumption by someone who is on a diet.

In 100 grams of cottage cheese, there are 103 calories and 12.4 grams of protein. By increasing your intake of foods that are high in protein and low in calories, this can help reduce appetite and hunger.

18. Paprika


There is good news for paprika lovers. This plant turns out to contain low calories, so it can be used as an alternative choice to add to the food menu when dieting.

100 grams of red paprika contains 31 calories. In 100 grams of green paprika, there are 24 calories in it. While 100 grams of yellow paprika contains 50 calories.

Apart from being low in calories, paprika also contains high levels of antioxidants, so it can keep the body’s immune system healthy.

19. Watermelon


Watermelon is one of the fresh fruits that can quench your thirst. This fruit contains a lot of water which can hydrate the body.

Not only that, this fruit also contains low calories. There are 28 calories in 100 grams of watermelon.

Therefore, don’t forget to make watermelon a healthy snack when you’re on a diet.

The various menus above are a list of low-calorie foods. Even though the calorie content is small, it will still fill you up. So, there’s nothing wrong if you include it in your daily diet.

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