These Home Remedies Are Like A Boon For Cracked Lips Of The Baby

In summer, baby’s lips become dry, cracked and crust starts forming on them. This causes great trouble to children. There can be many reasons behind the cracked lips of a baby. This type of problem is seen especially in babies during climate change. In this article, we will discuss what kind of products should be used in case of cracked lips of the baby in summer. We will also talk about how the child can be saved from this problem.

Home Remedies Are Like A Boon For Cracked Lips Of The Baby

Main reasons for cracked lips in baby

There can be many reasons behind chapped lips in babies (Causes of Baby Chapped Lips), information about which is being shared below.

  1. dehydration


Dehydration i.e. lack of water is one of the main reasons for cracked lips in babies. If the child is not taking milk and water as required, his lips may become dry.

  1. deficiency of nutrients

The effect of lack of nutrients in the child’s body is visible on the lips. One reason for chapped lips in a baby can be lack of vitamins and nutrition.

  1. change in weather

The soft skin of babies is not able to withstand the changing weather. Be it extreme heat or severe cold, in both the seasons the baby may have the problem of cracked lips. In the summer season, strong wind absorbs moisture from the child’s body. At the same time, due to exposure to cold winds during winter season, they may suffer from cracked lips.

  1. mouth breathing

Some children breathe through the mouth instead of the nose. This can also cause dryness in the lips. This is because while breathing through the mouth, air exchange takes place around the lips. Due to this, the child’s lips become dry.

  1. licking lips

licking lips

Some children have the habit of using their tongue and licking their lips. Due to this, saliva from the mouth comes on the lips, which is easily absorbed by the external environment. Due to this the lips become dry. This is the reason why the child’s habit of repeatedly touching the lips with the tongue and sucking can cause the problem of cracked lips in the child.

Home Remedies For Baby Chapped Lips

After knowing the reasons for dry chapped lips, let us have a look at its home remedies (Home Remedies for Baby Chapped Lips). Below in the article, we are sharing some easy and effective remedies for chapped lips in babies.

  1. coconut oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used for centuries for chapped lips in babies. It contains lauric acid, which can help heal lips. Coconut oil should always be applied on the baby’s lips with the help of a finger. Keep in mind, always use virgin coconut oil or organic coconut oil only.

  1. Petroleum jelly

Petroleum jelly works to provide moisture to the lips of babies. This helps in healing chapped lips quickly. Use petroleum jelly on children’s lips, especially at night.

Lip Balm for Baby Chapped Lips

Just like you use lip balm for chapped lips. Similarly, you can apply lip balm for chapped lips of the baby also. Provided that the lip balm is specially formulated for babies. Baby lip balms are quite gentle. Many such lip balms are easily available in the market, which have been prepared from natural ingredients, especially for the delicate skin of babies.

Talking about Baby Chakra’s nourishing lip balm, it has been specially prepared from organic coconut oil, organic olive oil, organic jojoba oil, organic castor oil, beeswax, shea butter, strawberry oil, vitamin E, beetroot extract, etc. Also, no chemicals of any kind have been included in making it.

In the article, you learned about the home remedies along with the causes of cracked lips in babies. Also got information about lip balm for chapped lips of children. So, now if your child is troubled by chapped lips, then you know its treatment.

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