In every girl’s life menstruation Or the beginning of the menstrual cycle is a very big phase. A drop of menstrual blood at the time of puberty makes some girls feel relieved or happy while others get scared. The starting of periods means that she has transformed from a girl to a woman. But to prevent her from feeling scared or helpless or embarrassed about this matter, the mother should explain the menstrual cycle or periods to her daughter in a timely manner.
This should be discussed with your daughter as soon as possible. Start telling him about the changes happening in the body, not all at once, but in the middle of work or while playing. Because before any wrong information from outside can stress her mind, the mother should be explained clearly about the menstrual cycle.
The mother can start this by sharing her experiences so that the daughter does not feel that something new and unique has happened in her life. First of all tell her what are periods, why does it start, or when does it start etc. You can explain things through questions-
What are periods?
During the menstrual cycle, hormones released from different parts of the body help prepare the body for pregnancy. Preparation for pregnancy begins when the ovaries produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Then, other hormones from the pituitary gland stimulate the maturation and release of the egg, or ovum, from the ovary.
The process of release of egg is called ovulation. Day 14 of a 28-day cycle is usually considered to be the day of ovulation. From the ovary, the egg moves into one of the fallopian tubes. If the egg and sperm meet and the process of conception begins, it then attaches to the thick, blood-rich lining of the uterus. If fertilization does not occur, the egg begins to be released, estrogen and progesterone levels drop, and the lining of the uterus breaks down and sheds – this is what is called the menstrual cycle or periods.
At what age do periods occur?
Girls usually reach menarche 10-16 years Reaches between. Menarche is the medical term for the beginning of menstruation.
Although the average age is 12 years, but every girl’s body has its own schedule. The time of onset of periods is not the same for every girl. Generally, when a girl’s breasts develop, her periods start occurring after two years. Vaginal discharge is mucus-like discharge one year or six months before the start of periods. This signals the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
How long do periods last and how much bleeding occurs?
Periods generally last from 3 days to 7 days and it varies from girl to girl. Total 2-4 tbsp (30-59 ml) There may be blood.
What are the symptoms of periods?
Generally, the symptoms of normal menstruation are as follows-
- mood swing
- lack of sleep
- starving
- lower abdominal and back cramps
- Swelling
- breast sensitivity
- pimples
What to do if you get cramps during your periods?
It is common to have stomach cramps during the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, applying a hot water bottle to the stomach or taking a bath with lukewarm water can provide some relief. Some people find relief by doing deep breathing exercises and exercise. If the pain is unbearable, you can take over-the-counter medicines like ibuprofen.
What is PMS?
A girl who experiences emotional and physical symptoms during or before menstruation, such as mood swings, sadness, anxiety, acne, etc. PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) They say. They gradually go away after menstruation starts.
What is TSS?
Bacterial infection caused by using tampons Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) They say. For precaution, tampons should be changed every 4 hours on days of heavy flow.
How to track the period?
You can track your period by marking the day of your period on the calendar. You can also download apps on your phone to track your periods.
Well, there are countless such questions and curiosities that you will have to explain to your daughter. But these are some basic things that you should tell your daughter before her period starts.