Why is Vitamin C important in winter?

Vitamin-C Diet In Winter

As soon as the winter season arrives, many types of problems start occurring. Due to cold winds many types of diseases affect the body. Also, the winter season is very irritating for the skin. Due to cold winds, skin dryness, itching, and cracked heels are common.

Not only this, the problem of hair becoming dry, breaking, and falling is also considered very common in winter. Many times people think that diseases occurring in the skin, hair and body are caused by cold winds, but the main reason for such problems is the deficiency of Vitamin C in the body (Winter Diet Tips). Due to a deficiency of Vitamin C, the quality of hair deteriorates. Not only this, skin-related problems also occur due to Vitamin C deficiency.

If Vitamin C is consumed in sufficient quantity during the winter season (vitamin C causes), it can not only help in protecting from cold winds but can also make hair and skin beautiful. So what are you waiting for, let us know further about those fruits and vegetables, by including which in your diet, you can overcome the deficiency of Vitamin C.

Which fruits and vegetables contain Vitamin C?



Orange is easily available in the market during the winter season. Orange is considered to be the best source of Vitamin C. Eating orange in winter helps in strengthening immunity. Not only this, orange can also help in making skin and hair healthy. Orange can help you in reducing the problems of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar. While consuming orange in the winter season, keep in mind that it has a cooling effect, hence do not eat more than 1 orange in a day.


Papaya, blackberry, and melon for beauty

Papaya is considered very good for skin and stomach. Apart from Vitamin C, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are found in papaya. Consuming papaya during the winter season helps in reducing swelling of the face, hands, and feet. Consuming papaya regularly does not cause digestive problems.



Vitamin C present in pineapple helps in eliminating digestive problems. Consuming pineapple during the winter season can also help in preventing diseases like fever, headache, cough and cold. Anti-cancer and anti-diabetes properties are found in pineapple, hence diabetic patients can also consume it easily. Pineapple can also prove to be very beneficial for those who are planning to lose weight.



Guava is also easily available during the winter season. If half raw and ripe guava is eaten by applying light salt on it, its taste becomes different. Along with being a good source of Vitamin C, guava is considered to be a treasure trove of many anti-inflammatory properties. Eating guava in winter helps in reducing blood sugar level and making the skin beautiful.



Even today, most people consume broccoli with the understanding that it helps in weight loss. But broccoli is a good source of Vitamin C. Consuming broccoli during the winter season can help in fighting diseases like heart, brain, and cancer.

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