What are the benefits of carrots for hair?

As soon as winter comes, hair starts becoming dry and frizzy. Due to cold winds and fog, problems like hair fall, breakage, and dandruff are also considered common in the winter season. To get relief from hair problems during the winter season, people use various types of creams, shampoos, and conditioners. But this season, if you are looking for something natural for your hair, then you can use carrots. Carrots, which are easily available in the market during the winter season, are not only delicious in taste but also enhance the beauty of hair. So let us know today how to use carrots for hair.

How to use carrots for hair?

To eliminate hair problems from their roots during the winter season, you can use carrot oil and a carrot hair mask. Today carrot oils of many companies are available in the market, you can buy them and use them like normal oil. Apart from this, if you want to use a carrot mask for hair, then the method of making it is given below.

How to apply carrot mask to hair

1. Banana and Carrot

To protect hair from dryness during the winter season, you can use a carrot and banana hair mask. Nutrients like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-microbial are found in carrots, which help in getting rid of hair problems.

  • To make a carrot and banana hair mask, take 1 piece each of carrot and banana and grind it well in a mixer.
  • Take out the carrot and banana mixture in a bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon olive oil to it.
  • Add 1 teaspoon honey to this mixture and mix it a little.
  • Apply this mixture thoroughly on the roots of the hair and let it dry for some time.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes, clean the carrot and banana hair mask from the hair with just water.
  • Use shampoo or conditioner only after 1 day of using this hair mask.
  • Carrot and banana hair masks can also be helpful in providing relief from the problem of dandruff.

2. Carrot and coconut oil

The nutrients of carrot and coconut oil when combined together help in providing relief from dandruff, dryness, and frizzy feeling in the hair. Adequate amounts of anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, and anti-fungal elements are found in coconut oil, which proves to be very beneficial for hair.

  • To make a carrot and coconut oil hair mask, first, peel and grate 1 carrot.
  • Now boil hot water in a bowl cut the carrots into small pieces and cook them.
  • When the carrot cools down, make a fine paste of it.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon coconut oil in this paste and your hair mask is ready.
  • Apply coconut oil and carrot hair mask to the roots and ends of the hair.
  • Wash hair with normal water after half an hour. Within a few days, you will get relief from dryness, itching, and dandruff of hair.

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