What are Ayurvedic Remedies For Weight Gain?

Weight Gain Tips: Increasing weight and fat is much more difficult than losing weight. Not everyone likes a thin body. Many times people make fun of thin bodies so much that they are unable to tolerate it. To gain weight, some people sweat for hours in the gym and take the help of various food supplements. Food supplements make the body prematurely fat, but as soon as their consumption is stopped, the body becomes thin again.

In this situation, if you are planning to lose weight then you can try Ayurvedic remedies. Ayurvedic consultant Doctor Ayurvedam has shared a video on his Instagram about how weight can be increased through Ayurvedic methods (Ayurvedic Tips for Weight Gain). Let us know about it.

Consume milk and dates to gain weight


According to Doctors, milk and dates prove to be very effective in increasing weight. To increase weight, boil 1 cup milk and 4 dates thoroughly. When the dates boil well with milk, eat the dates first and then drink the milk. To gain weight, you can consume milk and dates after waking up in the morning and before sleeping at night.

Why are milk and dates helpful in increasing weight?

According to Ayurvedic experts, many nutrients like calcium, zinc, potassium, sulfur, cobalt and iron are found in dates. At the same time, many nutrients like milk protein, healthy fat, calcium, vitamin D, and riboflavin (B2) are found. When the nutrients of milk and dates come together, they help in weight gain.

Other benefits of milk and dates

Consuming milk and dates daily helps in eliminating digestive problems including constipation.

Consuming milk and dates regularly helps in strengthening immunity.

Milk and dates also prove to be very beneficial in removing fatigue and weakness.

Consumption of milk and dates is also considered very beneficial for skin and hair. The antioxidant properties present in dates help in making the skin glowing and spotless.

If women consume milk and dates during pregnancy, then the child in the womb gets an adequate amount of nutrients. Due to this, the child’s brain works properly.

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