6 Benefits of Himalayan Salt, Is It Really Healthier than Regular Salt?

Have you ever heard of any type of salt other than the common table salt used for cooking? It turns out that there are also various types of salt, one of which is Himalayan salt.

So, what are the benefits and is there any danger of Himalayan salt for health?

Himalayan salt’s nutritional content

Himalayan salt is not easy to get because it does not come from the sea like ordinary salt.

This salt is buried for thousands of years under layers of lava, snow, and ice.

The origin of Himalayan salt is from the second largest salt mine in the world called Khewra Salt Mine which is located at the foot of the Himalayas, Pakistan.

Himalayan salt is one of the purest salts in the world and is said to have many health benefits.

Therefore, the sodium chloride content in this salt can reach 98 percent.

Several other minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sulfur also complement the nutritional content of Himalayan salt.

Well, the distinctive pink or pink color of this salt comes from the iron content in it.

Himalayan salt benefits for health

The nutritional content of Himalayan salt offers many health benefits.

The following are some of the benefits of Himalayan salt that you can get.

1. Complete mineral needs

Basically, the benefits of any type of salt are not much different.

However, this pink salt is superior because it contains a lot of different minerals, which is about 80 minerals.

97% of Himalayan salt consists of sodium chloride and the remaining 3% is other minerals in small concentrations.

In addition to the iron content that gives it its pink color, this salt contains the minerals magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chloride, boron, iodine, zinc, selenium, copper, and many more.

The minerals in this salt are useful to help meet the body’s mineral needs.

But remember, you need to get your mineral intake from other foods because the mineral content in Himalayan salt is still not sufficient for daily nutritional needs.

2. Contains antimicrobials

Antimicrobials in salt have been used to preserve food.

But more than that, it turns out that the antimicrobial properties that are important for health are the little-known benefits of Himalayan salt.

Antimicrobials in this salt can be used by the body to help the body fight infectious diseases.

Consuming a good source of sodium from this salt can increase the body’s immune response and speed up the healing period.

In addition, using this salt for bathing or applied to the skin can help prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi on the skin.

The next way to use Himalayan salt is to soak in this mixture of water and salt to help relax the tense muscles of the body after activities.

However, research on the efficacy of Himalayan Salt for the skin directly is still limited and further research is needed.

3. Maintain body hydration

As we know, the adult body is about 65 percent water and electrolyte salts to keep the body hydrated.

The next use of Himalayan salt is also believed to help the body in maintaining fluid balance.

No wonder if after exercise we are advised to consume drinks that contain electrolytes to replace lost body fluids.

In addition, the benefits of pink salt also help facilitate the communication of nerve signals and the function of the body’s muscles.

By consuming the right amount of sodium, you can prevent muscle cramps and other muscle problems.

Drinking water mixed with electrolyte-rich pink salt after a workout also helps you regain energy and hydrate your body.

4. Balance the body’s pH

In addition to helping balance fluids in the body, sodium helps balance the body’s pH.

Sodium can neutralize acids in the body so that it helps balance the body’s pH. Therefore, the consumption of pink salt can provide these properties.

Pink salt is also suitable for consumption by patients who are recovering because this salt can help boost the immune system.

By balancing your body’s pH, you help prevent immune deficiencies, loss of bone density, and kidney stones.

On the other hand, the use of Himalayan salt can also neutralize excessive stomach acid because it can be used as an antacid.

Even so, you still need to pay attention to the maximum daily salt intake to maintain your blood pressure.

5. Supports organ function

Another benefit of Himalayan salt is that it increases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food.

Nutrients that are optimally absorbed can help the body’s organs work, so you can avoid various health problems.

Not only that, this salt can maintain healthy blood vessels, bone strength, respiratory system, kidneys, and gallbladder.

Keep in mind that the consumption of pink salt must also be accompanied by the intake of other healthy foods to ensure the body gets enough nutrition.

Not only for consumption, this salt can also be used for steam therapy and to relieve symptoms of respiratory problems.

However, research on this is still limited and requires further study to ensure its effectiveness.

6. Improve sleep quality

Have you ever had trouble falling asleep in the early hours of the morning, for example at 02.00-04.00?

Apparently, this can be related to the salt intake you consume.

Between 2 and 4 a.m., elevated stress hormones can cause biochemical reactions that interfere with our ability to stay asleep.

Quoting from the Cleveland Clinic page, eating foods high in sodium can increase sleep problems.

This is caused by sodium levels which increase blood pressure and fluid retention.

To help you sleep better, mix honey with a little Himalayan salt and serve it in a cup of tea.

The difference between Himalayan salt and regular salt

Unlike common table salt you use for cooking, Himalayan salt is unprocessed so there are no additives in it.

This makes Himalayan salt has pure natural mineral content.

At a quarter teaspoon, table salt contains 600 mg of sodium, while Himalayan salt contains 420 mg of sodium.

That’s why Himalayan salt is good for people with high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney disease, or cirrhosis of the liver.

However, consuming too much salt is still not good for health, including this pink salt.

The American Heart Association recommends limiting sodium intake to no more than 1500 milligrams per day for adults, especially those who have problems with blood pressure.

Not only that, you should also limit the use of Himalayan Salt for complementary foods because children need iodized salt for growth and development.

How to use Himalayan salt

In addition to knowing the benefits of Himalayan salt, you also need to pay attention to how to use it.

This aims to optimize the pink salt content for your health.

Usually, Himalayan salt is used to season dishes such as table salt.

Here are some ways to use Himalayan salt that you can try at home.

1. Choose a block or small crystal.
2. Make sure the dose is according to taste.
3. Add to cooking at the last minute.

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