5 Symptoms Of Malaria In Babies

Malaria affects children more than adults. It is the most common mosquito-borne disease in India. According to WHO, children under 12 months of age are most likely to get malaria. However, a small sneeze of a baby can give you pain, and if the symptoms of malaria If you see this, it can be very scary for you. Babies may have different symptoms, the problem is that they need to be given the right treatment. Here are 5 cases of malaria in infants

Symptoms are as follows:

High fever

The most common symptom of malaria in infants is high fever. The fever may last for a few weeks. This will also be accompanied by sweating and will make your baby quite irritable. They may start breathing rapidly and become restless and suffer from severe body pain. If your child’s body feels warmer than usual and shows more than one of the above symptoms, you should take them to the doctor.
You can consider taking it to.

loss of appetite

Every parent feels that their child does not eat enough. But it is a matter of great concern when your child has less ability to eat. Loss of appetite due to fatigue and lack of sleep. Irritability can cause his loss of appetite. If this continues for a few weeks, consult a doctor immediately.

vomiting and diarrhea

If your baby is suffering from malaria, he will feel nauseous and may even vomit. Diarrhea and malaria are also common symptoms in infants. Diarrhea will be green in color and more frequent than usual and may also cause headaches.


If your child does not have a high fever and is hypothermic then it is possible that your child is suffering from hypothermia. Hypothermia is a low body temperature. Your child’s body temperature may drop below 95 degrees Fahrenheit if he or she is suffering from malaria. Hypothermia is a serious symptom of malaria in infants and is also fatal. If your child’s body is losing the ability to produce heat to keep it above 38 degrees Celsius, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Malaria is caused by germs present in Anopheles mosquitoes. These germs cause irritation and mucus in the child’s lungs, then their body begins to protect them by coughing to expel the dirt. Your child may have a very dry cough that may be difficult to stop.

Babies are sensitive to the germs that cause malaria, so if you notice any symptoms, seek medical help immediately. Early treatment is the best way to protect a child from malaria.

If your baby has malaria, after proper treatment your baby will start crawling in no time.

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