5 Sea Creatures That Can Glow in the Dark

5 Sea Creatures That Can Glow in the Dark

Talking about animals that can glow in the dark, most of you may immediately imagine fireflies. Fireflies are one of the animals that can glow in the dark. However, it turns out that not only fireflies have this amazing ability. In fact, many of them live under the sea.

These underwater animals have the ability of bioluminescence which allows them to emit their own light in the presence of certain chemical reactions. Apart from being a defense mechanism, this ability can also help them to lure prey. FYI, this bioluminescence phenomenon is quite rare and rarely occurs, you know!

Well, if you’re curious, just take a look at the information that has been summarized below, come on!

1. Ctenophora


Ctenophora, also known as comb jellyfish, is an invertebrate phylum that is estimated to have more than two hundred species scattered in marine waters in various parts of the world. Animals that can be found in almost all marine waters generally prey on small marine organisms, such as plankton, larvae, and other organisms, even other ctenophores.

Several species of Ctenophora are known to have transparent bodies that can glow in the dark. This light is produced by Ctenophora itself through a special chemical reaction. Although at first glance it looks like a jellyfish, Ctenophora is actually different from a jellyfish, you know! Jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria.

2. Hawaiian bobtail squid

Hawaiian bobtail squid

The Hawaiian bobtail squid is an invertebrate animal that lives in the shallow waters around the Hawaiian Islands and Midway Island. Animals with the scientific name Euprymna scolopes usually prey on small shrimp and other types of crustaceans. The size of an adult Hawaiian bobtail squid is estimated to reach 3 cm in length.

Unlike the Ctenophora, the Hawaiian bobtail squid cannot produce its own light. The light emission is produced by the Vibrio fischeri bacteria that take refuge in the squid’s body. In exchange, the Hawaiian bobtail squid will be assisted in camouflage and can avoid predator attacks.

3. Kitefin shark

Kitefin shark

The kitefin shark ( Dalatias Licha ) is a species of marine shark that generally lives near the seabed at depths of 660 to 2000 feet. This species is found in tropical waters and warm climates.

The kitefin shark can be recognized by its short round snout and its body size that ranges from four feet long. Animals that are known to live solitary generally prey on various types of deep-sea animals, including crustaceans and cephalopods.

Of the many marine animals that can emit light, the kitefin shark is known to be the largest vertebrate species that has this ability. Launching the BBC, this light is produced by photophores in the shark’s skin.

4. Crystal jellyfish

Crystal jellyfish

Crystal jellyfish is a type of jellyfish that is mostly found in the pelagic zone in the Pacific Ocean region. When mature, the size of this species is estimated to reach 15 cm in length with tentacles estimated at 150.

This animal, scientifically named Aequorea victoria, usually preys on copepods, plankton, and other species of jellyfish. In addition to having a fairly transparent body, this animal also emits blue and green light, you know! This light comes from a protein produced by crystal jellyfish.

5. Black dragonfish

Black dragonfish

Black dragon fish or in English referred to as black dragon is a small and black fish that is found in the mesopelagic and bathial zones. Animals that have the scientific name Idiacanthus atlanticus generally prey on species of fish and small crustaceans. Black dragonfish are also sexually dimorphic, where the size of the male is much smaller than the size of the female.

Animals that have this bioluminescence ability usually use this ability to attract their prey. The light produced by these animals is known to come from the photophores found in their bodies.

The world of underwater fauna is indeed full of a myriad of uniqueness as well as oddities. Just imagine, in the dark of the deep sea, you suddenly find a light that was produced by the animals above. It must be amazing, right?

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