5 Animals You Didn’t Know Could Fly

When talking about flying animals, we usually imagine various species of birds or bats.

But the evolution and adaptation by animals over the years can surprise us all.

You may not realize that the method of flight has evolved among animals, which makes species such as fish, mammals and reptiles capable of flight.

1. Mobula stingray

Not much is known about this stingray, which is known as the “devil’s stingray”. However, this fish is famous for its stomach.

Scientists sometimes call it the acrobat of the ocean. This fish looks like most stingrays, with large wing-like fins.

It is an excellent swimmer usually in groups and uses this strength to propel itself out of the water, usually spinning in the air before plunging into the water.

2. Flying octopus

It seems rather strange for a sea animal to fly, but for some of the Ommastrephidae species, it is capable of doing so.

The most common type is found in Japanese waters.

Japanese researchers claim that this squid can glide up to 30 meters and at a speed of 11.2 meters per second or 40 kilometers per hour.

This speed is the same as Usain Bolt’s acceleration speed in the 100-meter event.

The Japanese researchers’ report also states: “We found that this octopus not only jumps out of the water but has a very advanced flying posture.”

Technically, these octopuses glide out of the water, rather than fly, using thrusters before spreading and extending their fins and arms into a vertical position that makes them airborne.

In theory, the purpose of these sea animals to act like this is to avoid predators.

3. Spider

This flying spider concept is one of the most creative. It happens to many light spiders especially young spiders.

Basically, these arachnids have evolved to release silk threads that “catch” the wind like a parachute and make them fly through the air, like a kite.

This is a very cool and unique external method.

Although most of these trips are relatively short, some have been known to travel hundreds of kilometers.

These animals will climb high and “catch” the wind using the silk sheets they produce.

The purpose is to move between locations even though the number of casualties is very high.

There is a popular story from Australia’s Southern Tablelands in 2015 when millions of spiders migrated this way en masse, leaving these sheets of silk looking like snowfall.

4. Gliding ants

The remarkable thing about these gliding ants is that they are wingless, yet master the mode of flight very well.

The phenomenon of gliding ants has only recently been discovered, with University of California biologists writing a paper about it in 2005.

Since they live on trees, these insects learn how to return to the tree of origin using visual cues.

Biologists studied this insect and learned that it can turn 180 degrees in the air.

These gliding ants enter the tree trunk by backing up and then kicking with their hind legs.

The landing success rate is estimated at 85% on the same tree trunk.

University of Texas ecologist Stephen P. Yanoviak said, “In the Amazon jungle, falling out of trees and into water can kill. This may have been a major evolutionary driver behind that behavior,”.

5. Wild turkey

Usually, if you see a turkey, it’s usually on the ground. So, maybe you will be surprised if you see this animal able to fly even for a relatively short distance,

However, when this animal flies, it flies at a rather surprising speed.

In fact, Live Science claims that turkeys can fly at a speed of 88 kilometers per hour.

Since these animals live in trees, this means that they have to climb trees.

More interestingly, turkeys are better at flying than climbing trees, despite their large bodies.

However, not all turkeys can fly. Only wild turkeys can fly and not those that are kept for breeding purposes.

Farmers usually breed turkeys to have larger breasts than normal, which prevents these animals from flying.

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