4 Causes of Bad Sleep and Its Dangers for Health

The cause of deep sleep, aka open mouth during sleep, can be due to breathing problems to sleep apnea. If left unchecked, this condition can be dangerous to health. However, there is no need to worry, because there are various ways to deal with deep sleep that can be done.

Table of Content

1. What causes bad sleep?
2. Is it dangerous to sleep with an open mouth?
3. How to deal with bad sleep?

Are you one of those people who have a habit of sleeping with your mouth open or sleeping tight? If you realize, sleeping with your mouth open can make you feel embarrassed or inferior. Especially, if this is done when you fall asleep in a public place.

If it is done continuously, the danger of manganese while sleeping for health is not to be underestimated. Therefore, identify the causes, dangers, and ways to stop the habit of sleeping badly in the following article.

What causes bad sleep?

You’ve probably almost certainly slept with your mouth open. However, some people may experience it persistently and difficult to control.

Generally, people sleeping with their mouths open can occur due to an improper sleeping position. For example, sleeping on your stomach, which sometimes risks making you sleep with your mouth open.

Sleeping in a sitting position with your head turned back also allows you to sleep with your mouth open. In addition, there are several causes that you may experience are as follows.

1. Allergies

The meaning of deep sleep that you experience could be due to an allergic reaction. Yes, generally, you will breathe to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, through the nose. However, when allergies strike, the respiratory tract may be disturbed.

To avoid a lack of oxygen, the body will automatically open its mouth to let air into the body. That way, you can still breathe.

2. Nasal congestion

In addition to allergies, other breathing problems due to nasal congestion, such as the flu, cold, or sinusitis, or others can make it difficult for you to breathe while sleeping.

The reason is, the flow of air through the airways becomes disturbed so that you will automatically open your mouth to keep breathing freely. This is why sleeping with your mouth open can be experienced.

3. Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is also a cause of deep sleep. This sleep disorder causes a person to stop breathing for a few seconds during sleep.

For some people with sleep apnea, sleeping with their mouths open seems to be a habit for them to avoid a lack of oxygen in the body.

In fact, sometimes people with sleep apnea will sleep snoring. When they sleep snoring, most likely the condition of their mouth will be open.

4. Nose structure problems

Problems with the structure of the nose can apparently be the cause of a person’s deep sleep. For example, due to a deviated nasal septum, as well as an injury or injury to the nose.

Is it dangerous to sleep with an open mouth?

Open mouth while sleeping does seem trivial. In fact, if it is done continuously and cannot be controlled, it can pose a danger to health.

For example, deep sleep can make you drool while sleeping. Sleeping with your mouth open makes it easier for saliva to come out of your mouth. Sometimes, the danger of an open mouth during sleep is also a risk of making you choke.

Not only that, other dangers of an open mouth during sleep that you may experience are as follows.

1. Dry mouth

One of the most common dangers of having an open mouth during sleep is a dry mouth the next day.

The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research reports that evaporation from the soft tissue that lines the mouth and airways can occur when you sleep with your mouth open.

As a result, the entry and exit of air through the mouth can make you uncomfortable due to disturbances in swallowing and a decrease in the protective function of saliva.

2. Problems with teeth and mouth

The habit of sleeping with an open mouth that occurs continuously makes the condition of the mouth and lips dry.

In the long term, dry mouth conditions can cause various problems in the teeth and mouth, including decreased salivary function.

In fact, saliva has various functions. If the mouth has less saliva due to deep sleep during sleep, the pH of the plaque will be lower, increasing the number of bad bacteria in the mouth.

As a result, the risk of tooth decay, such as dental caries to cavities, may occur if sleeping with your mouth open is done continuously.

3. Bad breath

Bad breath can also be a danger to sleeping with your mouth open. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can occur due to a lack of saliva that covers the area of ​​​​the teeth and mouth, increasing the number of bacteria.

The buildup of bacteria on the teeth and mouth that occurs not only causes cavities but also bad breath.

4. Frequent swallowing habits

Sleeping with your mouth open is often associated with frequent swallowing.

Normally, swallowing is necessary to remove and clear bacteria from the mouth. The tongue will press against the roof of the mouth, then send food down the esophagus.

In the state of deep sleep, dry mouth usually pushes the tongue out. As a result, more air enters the mouth.

If done prolonged, swallowing too much air can increase the risk of stomach acid.

5. Feeling exhausted

Breathing through the mouth during sleep, was not effective to meet the need of oxygen intake into the lungs. As a result, you may feel tired when you wake up the next morning.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine states that sleeping with an open mouth can affect the stages of sleep and interfere with sleep quality.

How to deal with bad sleep?

How to deal with bad sleep actually depends on the cause and severity.

If it’s still in a mild level, the way to stop the habit of sleeping badly can be by changing your sleeping position, such as sleeping on your back, or stacking 2-3 pillows so that your head is in a higher position.

Next, taking certain drugs, such as antihistamines, decongestant drugs, or others, if you are experiencing breathing problems, can also be a way to stop short sleep.

Another way to deal with shortness of breath that can be used is to use adhesive strips on the bridge of the nose to help make breathing through the nose easier.

In addition, an additional adhesive strip, also known as a nasal dilator, which is placed in the nostril can be used to increase the flow of air into the nose which allows for easier breathing.

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