12 Best Back Exercises To Do At Home

To maintain an active and healthy life, it is essential to have a balanced diet and, in addition, to practice sports frequently. It is becoming more and more common, especially in big cities, to go to gyms and training centers to have a body in top shape. However, there are exercises that you can do from the comfort of your home in a simple and effective way.

Do you want to know the 12 best back exercises to do at home? In this new article, we provide you with all the exercises you need to know to tone up your muscles. You will only need some rubber bands, an elastic band or, failing that, some simple towels. Let’s go there! NO GYM FULL BACK WORKOUT AT HOME | NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED With NEXT Workout

Table Of Content

1. Sliding pull-ups
2. inverted rowing
3. Abdominal plank
4. Rowing with an elastic band
5. Pull-up with elastic band
6. Pullover with an elastic band
7. Shrug with elastic band
8. Face Pull with rubber bands
9. Face pull with elastic band
10. Towel exercises
11. knees to chest
12. Balasana or child’s pose

Sliding Pull-Ups

Well, this sliding pull-up exercise is one of the most reputable when it comes to strengthening and toning the back. Generally, you would need a barbell or a wheel to slide, but barbell back exercises at home are not common, so this time, you can just do it with your body.

Follow these steps to perform sliding pull-ups :

  1. Lie face down on the floor with your palms facing down as well.
  2. Use your hands as suction cups and slowly slide your body forward and backward using your back.
Back exercises at home - Sliding pull-ups

Inverted rowing

This exercise is ideal for exercising the horizontal pull, you must force your back to lift your own weight. You will need a chair or a table.

Well, do not miss these steps to perform the inverted row :

  1. Get under the chair or table and hold the surface with both hands.
  2. Lift the weight with the help of your arms and back muscles.
Back exercises at home - Reverse row

Abdominal plank

This exercise does not require movement, since the force is generated by the resistance of the body itself. This time you will work the lateral muscles of the back. Back exercises must be done correctly, otherwise you could cause an injury.

Follow these steps to perform the abdominal plank exercise :

  1. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and your hips raised.
  2. The idea is to place your arms on the ground with your forearm up and, with the help of your arms and back, exert a force that slightly raises your torso off the ground.
  3. Stay in this position for a few seconds and repeat the series.
Back exercises at home - Abdominal Plank

Rowing with elastic band

The rowing exercise is one of the most complete when it comes to exercising the back, but despite the fact that the ideal machine is only found in the gym, it is quite easy to reproduce the movement at home if you have elastic bands. Despite the fact that back exercises in the gym are easier to perform with specific machines, these tools that we propose are also easy and cheap to obtain, in addition, they have many uses.

Follow all the steps to perform the elastic band rowing :

  1. You just have to sit on the floor with your legs stretched out.
  2. Place the band on your feet and, with your back straight, pull the band backward, simulating the movement of rowing.
  3. Repeat the series 10 times and take a break when you finish.
Back exercises at home - Rowing with elastic band

Pull-up with elastic band

Instead of using a barbell to load your body onto, this time you’ll be placing the elastic band in an overhead position.

Follow the steps to perform elastic band pull-ups :

  1. Place the band on a ladder or hook, specifically above your head.
  2. With both hands, exert downward force strengthening the back.
  3. You must have a straight back to perform this exercise. Take maximum care of your posture to avoid injuries!
Back exercises at home - Pull-up with elastic band

Pullover with an elastic band

On this occasion, you will need a chair to recline on, in addition, you must also have weight to hold the elastic band, it can be the sofa.

Do not miss these steps to perform a pullover with an elastic band :

  1. You must place the chair in front of the sofa and lie on your back with your head on the side of the sofa.
  2. With your hands, hold the two sides of the band hooked by the sofa and pull them until they pass through the height of the sternum.
Back exercises at home - Pull over with elastic band

Shrug with elastic band

Dumbbell back exercises are also very useful for toning your back muscles, but this time, we show you exercises that you can do at home without expensive equipment, this time you will need the elastic band. It is one of the easiest exercises you can do with the elastic band!

Keep in mind the following easy steps to perform shoulder shrugs :

  1. You just have to stand up and step on the band in the central area.
  2. With your arms by your sides, hold both ends of the band.
  3. Keeping your back tall and straight, start doing shrugs.

What do you think of these back exercises at home without weights? They are ideal to make at home!

Back exercises at home - Shoulder shrugs with elastic band

Face Pull with rubber bands

Helping yourself with a knob or a column, you must place your elastic band or failing that, a band around it.

Follow the steps to perform this back exercise at home with rubber bands :

  1. Grab the ends with your hands.
  2. In a vertical position, pull it until the rubber band is parallel to the ears.
  3. Repeat the process with a straight back.

Face pulls with elastic band

Another of the most appropriate face pull modalities to use an elastic band consists of placing yourself on the floor with your legs stretched out and your knees slightly bent.

Follow the steps to perform the face pull exercise with an elastic band :

  1. Place the band under the sole of the feet.
  2. Pull your arms from the ends and bring them over your shoulders.
Back exercises at home - Face pull with elastic band

Towel exercises

If you do not have any elastic band or rubber band, you can perform several of the exercises mentioned with the help of a towel. As it is not an elastic element, you will have to make an extra effort to complete the routine.

Do not miss these steps to perform exercises with a towel :

  1. All you have to do is tighten the towel with the strength of your arms and shoulders and pretend it is a firm bar to do exercises such as rowing or pull-ups.
  2. Put the elastic band on top of your head.
  3. With both hands, exert downward force strengthening the back.
Back exercises at home - Towel exercises

Knees to chest

Do you want to know exercises for back pain? Well, if you have pain and want to strengthen it, it is very important to stretch to be able to loosen and relax the contracted muscles. We point out that these back exercises at home are for women and men.

You just have to follow these steps :

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees and lightly hug them to your chest.
  2. Make turns to the sides to relax your back.
Back exercises at home - Knees to chest

Balasana or child’s pose


This lower back exercise is very common in yoga to stretch and strengthen all the muscles of the back.

Do not miss the following steps to perform the Balasana:

  1. Lie down on the floor and rest your buttocks on your heels.
  2. Flex your trunk and stretch slightly forward.
  3. Reach your arms over your head and stretch as well.

What did you think of this article? We point out that to do exercises for the back well, it is important to take into account the position at all times, you must have a straight back to avoid possible injuries.

As you have seen, we have not used dumbbells or weights to perform the exercises, but if you have them and want to do back exercises at home with dumbbells, do not miss this article and discover how to do exercises with dumbbells for the back. And, if you also wonder how to do back exercises at home with weights, we recommend this article Exercises with weights at home.

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