10 Best Carbohydrate Sources, Which Are the Healthiest?

Sources of carbohydrates we can get easily in the food consumed daily.

These carbohydrates are needed by the body as a source of energy in order to function properly. So, what are the good sources of carbohydrates for health?

Source of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a very important type of macronutrient. Carbohydrates supply glucose to be converted into energy through the body’s metabolic system.

Carbohydrates are of two types, namely simple carbohydrates that are easy to digest and complex carbohydrates that take longer to digest.

Both are really needed by the body. Launching from the Mayo Clinic website, humans get about 45-65% of calories from consuming carbohydrates every day. According To Performance Revolution The 10 Best Carbohydrate Sources For Building Lean Muscle

However, you also need to be careful in choosing the right carbohydrate source and amount so as not to trigger the risk of health problems.

The following are sources of carbohydrates that you can find in various foods consumed.

1. Rice

Generally, Indonesian people consume rice as the main source of carbohydrates derived from rice.


Rice is a type of grain that has a fairly high carbohydrate content, which is about 28 grams of carbohydrates for every 100 grams of rice.

There are several types of rice that are quite easy to find, namely:

1. white rice,
2. Brown rice,
3. brown rice,
4. glutinous rice, and
5. Basmati rice.

2. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be an alternative source of carbohydrates for the body. Sweet potatoes are not only sweet and filling but also contain important nutrients for the body.

Honey and purple sweet potatoes have high antioxidant content that can ward off exposure to free radicals and beta carotene to prevent eye diseases.

Every 100 grams of sweet potatoes contains 20 grams of carbohydrates. Some types of sweet potatoes are:

1. white sweet potato,
2. Honey sweet potato,
3. red sweet potato, and
4. purple sweet potato,

3. Cassava


One of these high-carbohydrate foods is also known as cassava.

Cassava is also a type of tuber, but it tastes more savory and not as sweet as sweet potatoes.

In every 100 grams of cassava contains about 38 grams of carbohydrates, so do not be surprised if eating cassava is quite filling.

Here are some types of cassava that you can find in the market:

1. white cassava,
2. butter cassava,
3. elephant cassava, and
4. golden cassava.

4. Corn

Corn is one source of high carbohydrates that taste sweet and easy to process.

Not only used as the main menu, corn is also popular as a snack.

There is a content of 21 grams of carbohydrates in every 100 grams of serving.

The types of corn that are commonly consumed by the public are:

1. sweet corn,
2. popcorn,
3. glutinous corn, and
4. pearl corn.

5. Potatoes


Many think that potatoes are a type of carbohydrate that is not good.

In fact, quoting dietitian Andrea Dunn’s statement on the Cleveland Clinic website, potatoes are good for consumption if in reasonable quantities.

In every 100 grams of potatoes, there are about 17 grams of carbohydrate content.

In addition, potatoes contain vitamin C, potassium, and resistant starch (starch that is not easily digested) which can help you lose weight.

The recommended way to cook potatoes is to steam or bake them.

Avoid frying potatoes by adding a lot of seasoning and salt.

6. Wheat

Wheat Bran Ubtan

Wheat is a good source of complex carbohydrates and contains several vitamins and minerals.

This grain-based food is also high in fiber, so it helps you feel fuller for a long time.

Wheat contains about 37-41 grams of carbohydrates in every 100-gram serving.

You can find wheat in a variety of foods, such as whole-wheat bread and pasta.

Here are some types of wheat that you can consume:

1. hard wheat,
2. soft wheat,
3. whole wheat,
4. durum wheat,
5. refined wheat, dan
6. enrich wheat.

7. Oat


This high carbohydrate source that is often consumed at breakfast is often called oatmeal and contains 66 grams of carbohydrates in every 100-gram serving.

The fiber in oatmeal can help keep you full longer, lower blood cholesterol levels, and control blood sugar levels.

Here are some ways to process oats that you can try:

1. oatmeal porridge,
2. smoothies,
3. brewed porridge, and
4. mixed with other ingredients to make cakes.

8. Quinoa

This is one carbohydrate source you may rarely hear and consume.

However, quinoa turns out to be rich in benefits for the body, such as protecting the body from metabolic syndrome.

Quinoa is also higher in fiber and protein than other grains.

As we know, fiber is very important to prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, appendicitis, and diverticulosis.

Quinoa can be a substitute for carbohydrates for those of you who are on a weight loss program.

Foods belonging to this grain group contain 21 grams of carbohydrates and 120 kcal in every 100 grams of serving.

9. Nuts


In general, nuts are consumed as a complement or combined with other dishes.

In fact, nuts are also high-carbohydrate foods that are rich in benefits for the body.

Carbohydrate content reaches 28 grams in every 100 grams of serving.

Here are some types of nuts that are easily available:

1. peas,
2. soybeans,
3. red beans, dan
4. cashew nuts.

10. Fruits

Fruits are also a good source of carbohydrates.

Fruits contain natural sugars that will be converted into energy by the body.

Choose fruits that are rich in fiber so you can feel full longer, such as raspberries, pears, apples, and bananas.

You can mix these fruits into your yogurt or oatmeal, or they can be used as salads.

Eating foods that are high in fiber can prevent the risk of health problems such as constipation, hemorrhoids, and cardiovascular disease.

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